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E. V. Eldina
E. V. Eldina
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University


Mining. Ecology
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Environmental monitoring of the Krasny Bor toxic waste disposal site

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Intensive development of industry leads to an increase in the amount of various wastes, from household garbage to radioactive and chemical wastes. Storage of these wastes leads to the emergence of environmentally unfavorable territories - technogenic arrays, affecting directly the natural environment and humans. The purpose of the work is to study the migration of polluting components from the territory of the Krasny Bor waste disposal site, as well as the choice of a set of environmental protection measures.

How to cite: Eldina E.V. Environmental monitoring of the Krasny Bor toxic waste disposal site // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 1 167. p. 64-66.
Environmental monitoring
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Technology of protection and rehabilitation of the natural environment in the impact zone of technogenic formations of mining and metallurgical genesis

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Factors and sources of environmental hazards of technogenic massifs are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the mechanism of environmental hazards in the storage of waste mining and metallurgical production. The spectrum of pollutants of technogenic massifs by types of industries that form them is revealed. The classification of chemical substances contained in the wastes of mining and metallurgical production, the classes of danger. Analysis of pollution hazard factors in the areas of technogenic massifs location has been carried out: physical state, waste properties, mobility of pollution, structures of protective constructions.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Eldina E.V. Technology of protection and rehabilitation of the natural environment in the impact zone of technogenic formations of mining and metallurgical genesis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 123-125.
Development of mineral deposits
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Ways to recycle and dispose of toxic industrial waste

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Intensive growth and development of industry leads to the formation and accumulation of a variety of wastes. As a result of movement and storage of these wastes there is a formation of technogenic massifs. The impact of technogenic massifs on the natural environment is global due to, firstly, the ubiquitous spread of the massifs, and secondly, the poor quality of safety systems, protective and reclamation activities carried out in the areas of their location. The evaluation and analysis of the main ways of industrial waste processing was carried out. On the example of enterprise Krasny Bor landfill the technologies of neutralization and utilization of toxic wastes are considered, their positive and negative sides are revealed.

How to cite: Eldina E.V. Ways to recycle and dispose of toxic industrial waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 40-42.
Problems of rational use of mineral resources
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Environmental monitoring of sulfide-containing technogenic massifs

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To date, the total amount of rock mass displaced on the planet exceeds 100 billion tons. The result of such impact is the formation of man-made massifs - geological structures, composed of rocks or sediments of anthropogenic genesis, which differ in their composition (chemical, granulometric, bacteriological) and properties (physical, mechanical, filtration, sorption, etc.) from the host rocks. Shapes and sizes of man-made massifs are determined mainly by technological processes. In areas of sulfide-containing technogenic massifs, due to waste in an oxidizing environment, the formation of acidic drainage water occurs, the processes of formation of which are complex and nonstationary, which greatly complicates the monitoring of the state of the massifs. Development and application of a new method of acid-alkaline balance, consisting in determining and comparing the acid potential and neutralization potential, formed by rock or waste, allows with high expressiveness and accuracy to monitor the situation in areas of sulfide-bearing man-made massifs, significantly reduces the time for laboratory research.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Shuvalov Y.V., Eldina E.V. Environmental monitoring of sulfide-containing technogenic massifs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 150-153.