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V. M. Shik
V. M. Shik
Intersectoral Research Center VNIMI
Intersectoral Research Center VNIMI



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Justification of preparation excavations fastening by combination of rod and rope anchor fasteners

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The experience of supporting roof with bolts is mainly based on practical approach – hi and miss method. The theory of such support is descriptive than mathematical. Taking into account the complexity of mining – geological and mining technical conditions of underground mining it’s quite difficult to mathematically describe the destruction of entries roofs supported by bolts. Nevertheless even the quality identification of the factors causing roofs fall can give grounds to make plan of bracing and safety increase.

How to cite: Shik V.M., Romashkevich A.A. Justification of preparation excavations fastening by combination of rod and rope anchor fasteners // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 180. p. 18-20.
Current problems of the development of mineral deposits
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Перспективные схемы подготовки лав и охраны подготовительных выработок в современных условиях

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Обеспечение высокой нагрузки на лаву в развитых угледобывающих странах было достигнуто комплексом организационно-технических и технологических мероприятий, которые включают многоштрековые схемы подготовки выемочных полей, применение тросовой анкерной крепи, мониторинг проявлений горного давления. Целики для охраны подготовительных выработок имеют различные деформационные характеристики, определяющиеся нагрузочными свойствами кровли и устойчивостью боковых пород. Проектирование способов охраны и поддержания выработок осуществляется на основе закономерностей взаимодействия целиков с массивом, с учетом вертикальных и горизонтальных напряжений, строения, прочностных, деформационных и реологических свойств угля и вмещающих пород. Очистные работы сопровождаются мониторингом проявлений горного давления. 

How to cite: Shik V.M. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 3 168. p. 41-43.
Modern problems of geomechanics and geotechnology
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Mountain roof strikes: conditions of occurrence and forms of manifestation

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The conditions of occurrence of rock bumps of the roof, which on the reasons of occurrence, forms of manifestations, consequences, methods of forecasting and prevention are fundamentally different from the rock bumps, the seat of which is formed in the developed coal seam. The potential energy is accumulated due to the elastic bending of the main roof rocks in accordance with the laws of deformation of inclined plates. At the moment immediately preceding the first subsidence, its value can reach 10 8 J, which is comparable with catastrophic rock shocks and earthquakes. In systems, developments with long and short clearing faces can take place. Reduction of the danger is achieved by increasing the length of the face and unstrengthening the roof rocks. The methods used to prevent formation shocks may be ineffective when there is a danger of rock bumps on the roof.

How to cite: Shik V.M. Mountain roof strikes: conditions of occurrence and forms of manifestation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 156. p. 68-71.