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E. A. Soloveva
E. A. Soloveva
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute


Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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The decision of problem of rational use associated petroleum gas: administrative aspect

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The kernel of the problem of associated petroleum gas rational use in Russia is stated in the article; the analyses of reasons that are obstacles in the way of associated petroleum gas utilization is fulfilled; the main directions of economic mechanism based on state-private cooperation in the sphere of production and use of associated petroleum gas are offered.

How to cite: Solovyova E.A., Ledovskikh V.A. The decision of problem of rational use associated petroleum gas: administrative aspect // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 174-179.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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The main tasks of modern tax system development in fuel and energy complex industries

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The basic principles of the existing tax structure in the sphere of entrails usage are stated in the article. Some disadvantages of tax on mineral resources extraction in respect of energy resources are pointed out. The necessity of tax rates differentiation with reference to tax on mineral resources extraction is proved in an effort to stimulate rational subsoil usage.

How to cite: Solovyova E.A., Zhukov A.M. The main tasks of modern tax system development in fuel and energy complex industries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 167-173.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Methodical bases and principles of formation of stimulating taxation at subsoil use

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In this paper the concept of incentive tax system formation in the sphere of mineral and raw complex of Russia is offered. Methodical principles of incentive taxation of entrails users’ profit are proved; the criteria and activities of privileged tax treatment in entrails use are stated.

How to cite: Solovieva E.A. Methodical bases and principles of formation of stimulating taxation at subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 14-19.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Formation of state energy saving policy

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The savings of energy is a part of the general policy of the state under the savings of resources, which in conditions of market economy is directed on rational and economical use of a mineral source of raw materials with the purpose of achievement of steady development of a national economy. The savings of resources is the complex problem, which is carried out by a purposeful state investment, financial, credit, tax, legal and scientific technical policy. In work the basic actions under the savings of energy in various branches of a national economy are stated. Questions of creation of the right organizational and legislative maintenance of formation of a state policy under the savings of energy are considered.

How to cite: Solovieva E.A., Kashtanova I.I. Formation of state energy saving policy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 99-103.
Economics and management
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Efficiency of innovative measures at complex use of iron ore raw materials (on the example of Mikhailovsky GOK)

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The issue of transition of the Russian economy from mining to production of hightechnology products is currently gaining more and more importance. The article reflects the main challenges of the iron-ore industry concerned with introduction of innovation technologies and describes experience gain by leading companies tackling this situation.

How to cite: Korchenkov R.V., Solovieva E.A. Efficiency of innovative measures at complex use of iron ore raw materials (on the example of Mikhailovsky GOK) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 175-177.
Economics and management
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Increase of economic efficiency of coal utilization in the domestic market

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Russia is rich in different kinds of energy resources; however, the largest share in electrical energy generation belongs to natural gas. As the result of growing energy consumption the gasgenerated power is not capable to completely satisfy the country’s demand in electric power. Thus, to secure energy safety of the country it is necessary to diversify all sources of power and energy while reducing natural gas consumption. The only power resource that can currently compete with natural gas on the domestic market is coal. Abundance of this fuel type and a wide range of its applications can secure long-term energy safety of Russia.

How to cite: Martemyanova A.N., Solovieva E.A. Increase of economic efficiency of coal utilization in the domestic market // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 181-183.
Economics and management
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Prospects for the development of Kuzbass coal mining enterprises: socio-economic problems

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The current state of the mining industry of Kuzbass is analyzed in the paper. The author considered the economic activity of mining enterprises of the Kemerovo region and the main problems of development of the mining industry.

How to cite: Solovieva E.A., Martemyanova A.N. Prospects for the development of Kuzbass coal mining enterprises: socio-economic problems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 223-226.
Economics and management
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Modern state of mineral raw material base and prospects of development of geological exploration works in oil industry

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The deterioration of mineral base status is a critical problem of oil industry today. It means quantitative and qualitative characteristics. We could see the stable lag an exploration works from growth rate of oil production last years. This situation in oil industry is far from optimal. So we need to take measures to help out oil industry of an oncoming crisis. The primary tasks to reproduce mineral base and develop exploration works facing to state is introduced in this article.

How to cite: Solovieva E.A., Pavlova N.A. Modern state of mineral raw material base and prospects of development of geological exploration works in oil industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 227-230.
Economics and management
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Economic evaluation of competitiveness of coal mining company (on the example of OAO Gukovugol)

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Increasing of competitiveness of domestic enterprises and goods they produce is declared to be the essential problem of the Russian economy. In order to manage the competitiveness level of the object which is researched it is necessary to define quantitatively competitiveness figure. Nowadays there is no generally accepted procedure of competitiveness estimation concerning different kinds of objects. In the work estimation of the coal-mining company competitiveness is carried out by means of two methods. In respect of coal production competitiveness estimation method some clarity and additions are offered. They concern the specific features of using coal as fuel and raw material for generating electricity.

How to cite: Solovieva E.A., Filatova O.Y. Economic evaluation of competitiveness of coal mining company (on the example of OAO Gukovugol) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 231-234.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Development of a mechanism for effective state regulation of private coal companies' activities

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The article considers the problems of creating a system of effective state regulation of coal companies in Russia in connection with the end of the period of restructuring of the production potential of the industry and the withdrawal of the state from direct participation in the activities of coal companies. The main tasks and difficulties faced by coal mining companies at the present stage of development are characterized. The directions of improvement of the state regulation of the coal industry are proposed.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Lebedeva O.Y. Development of a mechanism for effective state regulation of private coal companies’ activities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 43-45.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Forms and methods of state regulation in the field of mineral resource base reproduction

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The main problems of the geological exploration industry are considered: lack of financing, imperfection of mining and tax legislation. The legal basis for solving these problems should be the state regulation of development and use of mineral resource base. A number of measures are proposed, the adoption of which will lead to a more efficient system of subsoil use.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Nikolaichuk L.A. Forms and methods of state regulation in the field of mineral resource base reproduction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 32-35.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Mining laws in the system of state regulation concerning mineral resources usMining legislation in the system of state regulation of subsoil use relations

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The issues of formation of modern mining law in Russia are considered. The conceptual provisions to be reflected in the draft law of the Russian Federation "On Subsoil" are defined. The requirements for mining legislation to create uniform legal norms and rules for the owner of subsoils (the state) and subsoil users are substantiated.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A. Mining laws in the system of state regulation concerning mineral resources usMining legislation in the system of state regulation of subsoil use relations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 15-18.
Development of underground space, economics, management
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Functions and tasks of the state in the field of management of the geological exploration industry

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The main problems of the geological exploration industry are considered: the lack of financing and imperfections in the mining and tax legislation, which do not create favorable conditions for attracting investment in this sector. State regulation of the development and use of the mineral resource base is considered as the main criterion for solving these problems. A number of measures, the adoption of which will lead to a more effective system of subsoil use, are proposed. These are, first of all, reforms in the field of taxation, licensing, insurance market. It is necessary to develop a new national mineral resource policy in the presence of the strictest legislative control by the state.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Nikolaichuk L.A. Functions and tasks of the state in the field of management of the geological exploration industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 2 159. p. 158-161.
Economics and management
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Some results of coal industry restructuring and prospects for the development of the oil shale industry

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On the basis of the Leningrad oil shale deposit the only oil shale mining enterprise in Russia - OAO Leningradslanets - operates. The present state of the oil shale industry is analyzed, and a brief analysis of its economic activity is given. The critical state of the industry is noted, because after the collapse of the USSR Russia lost its main consumers of oil shale. The difficult financial situation of the city-forming enterprise - OAO Leningradslanets - has led to negative social and economic consequences in the life of the population of the whole Slantsy region. The prospects of the enterprise's development through the implementation of an innovative project for the construction of an oil shale-based power engineering complex are being considered.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Manylova M.V. Some results of coal industry restructuring and prospects for the development of the oil shale industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 189-192.
Economics and management
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Socio-economic and environmental challenges of the development of the coal industry in Russia

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The economic, social and environmental issues of the coal industry at the present stage are considered. The economic analysis of the state of coal mining enterprises on the example of OAO Gukovugol - one of the largest anthracite enterprises in Eastern Donbass. The special attention is given to the questions of environmental protection and environmental activity of the association, the level of the negative effect of the enterprises of OAO Gukovugol on the environment, the necessary expenses for environmental measures, the volume and structure of the resource payments are determined. The tasks were formulated, fulfillment of which will contribute to increase of coal competitiveness in the energy market.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Lebedeva O.Y. Socio-economic and environmental challenges of the development of the coal industry in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. № 1 155. p. 256-259.
Economics and management
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Analysis of the main economic indicators of China's coal mining complexes

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The analysis of the current state of the coal industry in China has been carried out. The basic economic indicators of activity of coal-mining complexes, located in the central region of China, which are the main source of energy resources in the country, are estimated. The basic qualitative indicators of work of enterprises of the coal industry are investigated: level of use of the basic production funds, labour productivity, profitability, specific indicators of profit. Priority directions of economic policy on increase of efficiency of coal-mining complexes of the central region of China were substantiated. It is specified that in the conditions of decrease in domestic demand for coal, it is necessary to develop production of alternative energy sources, to carry out diversification of production, to increase labor productivity, to reduce the number of employees in coal industry and to introduce advanced technologies.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Li L. Analysis of the main economic indicators of China’s coal mining complexes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 152. p. 239-241.
Scientific and innovative cooperation
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Economic, legal, and organizational foundations of the environmental management system

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The priority directions of socio-economic and organizational and legal policy in the sphere of regional management of natural resources are substantiated and highlighted. The unified principles of state management of natural resource complexes are adopted as a common methodological basis. The ways of improving the economic mechanism of regional nature management taking into account the combination of the interests of the federal center and the territories have been considered. A set of managerial tasks by the example of the Department of Natural Resources in the North-West region has been developed, the functions of the region in the sphere of management of the mineral resource complex have been singled out, and the tasks of development of the mineral resource base of the territory have been determined. The analysis of the existing system of taxation in the natural resources block is performed. The concept and mechanism of stimulating efficient development and use of mineral resources by taxes was proposed. The efficiency of financial, credit and tax mechanisms in the subsoil use was studied. Methodological recommendations on the creation of special incentive tax regimes for mining industries, taking into account their industry specifics, but on a unified methodological basis, are given.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Berezovsii P.V., Iseeva L.I., Nevskaya M.A., Tarabarinova T.A. Economic, legal, and organizational foundations of the environmental management system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 189-192.
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On the concept of tax reform in the mineral raw materials complex in Russia

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The authors analyze the present tax system in the mining industry. They show the percentage of the Russian Federation budget which is provided by the mining industry's tax payments. The article explores the shortcomings of the tax system in the raw minerals industry of the country. The article notes that the Russian Federation tax system generally has a fiscal character and requires reformation into a taxation system, which would provide economic stimulation. A tax reform plan, which introduces the concept of 'rent [1] into the Russian mining industry's tax burden, has been proposed. Special attention is paid to the stimulating role of taxation on production in the mining industry.

How to cite: Soloviova E.A., Zubkov V.A. On the concept of tax reform in the mineral raw materials complex in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 19-29.
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Эколого-экономические проблемы природопользования при разработке недр

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Экологические и социальные факторы рационального использования недр предполагают осуществление ряда мероприятий по сохранению природных ресур­сов для будущих поколений; по обеспечению условий техники безопасности при проведении горных работ и использованию достижений научно-технического про­гресса в целях облегчения труда горнорабочих; по поддержанию благоприятной для здоровья населения экологически безопасной окружающей природной среды ...

How to cite: Soloveva E.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1992. Vol. 132. p. 91.
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Экономические проблемы рационального использования и охраны минеральных ресурсов

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Для решения таких проблем необходимы усилия многих специалистов разных областей знаний. В одной статье невозможно решить задачи, связанные с этой темой. Однако попытаемся выявить некоторые важнейшие вопросы, которые требуют разрешения сегодня, и наметили пути их решения ...

How to cite: Soloveva E.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1974. Vol. № 2 67. p. 136.
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Ленинские принципы хозяйствования и экономическая реформа

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Сущность социалистического способа хозяйствования была сфор­мулирована В. И. Лениным в работе «Очередные задачи Советской власти» и в ряде других работ («О продовольственном налоге», «О зна­чении золота теперь и после полной победы социализма», в докладах на X и XI съездах партии, в речи на ѴІІ Московской губернской пар­тийной конференции и др.) ...

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Koroeva L.I. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1970. Vol. № 3 49. p. 75.
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Комплексное использование минерального сырья и повышение эффективности социалистического производства

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Из всего многообразия конкретных задач, которые решаются в ходе осуществления экономической реформы, можно выделить одну общую главную проблему — повышение эффективности общественного произ­водства ...

How to cite: Soloveva E.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1970. Vol. № 3 49. p. 115.