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M. A. Rozenbaum
M. A. Rozenbaum


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Determenation of the bolting parameters under conditions of the zonal disintegration of rocks around underground workings

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Recently the phenomenon of zonal disintegration of rocks had discovered at around underground workings at great depths. The main element of this fault concentric system that paralleled working profile.  The paper presents the method and formula determination of the bolted mine workings developed on stress-deformed rock massif at great depths at zonal disintegration of rocks around un-derground workings.

How to cite: Rozenbaum M.A., Badtiev B.P. Determenation of the bolting parameters under conditions of the zonal disintegration of rocks around underground workings // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 213. p. 17.
Innovation in designing of mining plants
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Mechanism of infuence on the powered roof support of rocks under different schemes of its failure above the mined-out space

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The paper considers three basic schemes of roof failure above the face bottom of long-wall during mining operations covering the whole diversity of mechanisms of support-roof interaction. The relationships are given for the determination of required rated resistance of the powered support with reference to the schemes of roof failure.

How to cite: Baranov S.G., Rozenbaum M.A. Mechanism of infuence on the powered roof support of rocks under different schemes of its failure above the mined-out space // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 198. p. 100.
Innovation in designing of mining plants
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Generalized schemes of interaction between the powered support and roof

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The paper considers three basic schemes of roof failure above the face bottom of long-wall during mining operations covering the whole diversity of mechanisms of support-roof interaction. The model of interaction between the powered support and heavy roof is given as well as the calculated scheme for the determination of necessary rated resistance of roof.

How to cite: Rozenbaum M.A., Baranov S.G., Loginov M.A. Generalized schemes of interaction between the powered support and roof // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 198. p. 108.
Innovation in designing of mining plants
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Provision of geodynamic safety in mining the Barentsburg coal deposit

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The minable seam «Verkhny» within the Barentsburg coal deposit is geodynamically hazardous, its geodynamic phenomena manifest itself in the form of proper rock bursts,  shocks in the marginal zones and dynamic faults of  ground. Due to rockburst-hazardous situation the application of the areal relief of rock mass with transition to technological variants of mining with leaving the extended rib pillars at the boundary with the mined-out space, with their cutting by drivage of additional working is applied. Consideration  is  given  to the recommended  variants of pillar leaving  with  the data  of their assignment and applicability to geological-and-mining conditions of mine field sections. Description is given to the calculation of pillar sizes and parameters used for their calculations. Some examples are given of pillar leaving at different sections of mine field with geometrical parameters as well as the information is given on the seam extraction with prospecting  routes (paths) with leaving the support rib and barrier pillars. The leaving of safety support and barrier pillars with substantiation of their sizes is recommended as the method for providing the safe condition  of mining the «Verkhny» coal seam

How to cite: Shvankin M.V., Rozenbaum M.A., Minin Y.Y., Stetsenko V.P., Bondarev A.V. Provision of geodynamic safety in mining the Barentsburg coal deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 198. p. 122.
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Investigation of exfoliation height of roof rocks in mine workings within the zone of bearing pressure

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Within the bearing pressure zone in the working ’ s roof an increase of fracturing of rocks, decrease of their strength and stability, an increase of the working’s width take place in consequence of coal splitting in banks. All this leads to the increase of vault height of natural rock equilibrium as compared with the workings being driven in rock mass.

How to cite: Rozenbaum M.A., Chernyakhovskii S.M., Savchenko E.S. Investigation of exfoliation height of roof rocks in mine workings within the zone of bearing pressure // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 210.
Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Assessment of the level of technological production of coal reserves in mine fields with intensive mining of fiat-lying coal seams

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The levels of technological production of coal reserves in the stoping faces have been determined depending on the main determining factors, such as suitability of conditions, their preparation and equipment of longwalls.

How to cite: Baranov S.G., Rozenbaum M.A. Assessment of the level of technological production of coal reserves in mine fields with intensive mining of fiat-lying coal seams // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 43-46.
Current problems of the development of mineral deposits
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Современные проблемы геомеханики в угольной отрасли

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В соответствии с постановлением Правительства в России с1994 г. осуществляется реструктуризация угольной отрасли с техническим переоснащением перспективных угледобывающих предприятий, сооружением шахт и разрезов нового технического уровня при одновременном закрытии особо убыточных и опасных по условиям работы шахт. Главной целью реструктуризации объявлено создание конкурентоспособного эффективного производственного комплекса, обеспечивающего удовлетворение спроса на уголь, при резком снижении затрат на его добычу, улучшение безопасности работ и экологии. Новые преобразования в технологии угледобычи потребовали и решения новых геомеханических задач, перечень которых приведен в статье.

How to cite: Yakovlev D.V., Rozenbaum M.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 3 168. p. 71-74.