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I. V. Pleskunov
I. V. Pleskunov
Research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Metallurgy and concentration
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Development of research of low-dimension metal-containing systems from P.P. Weymarn to our days

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The article analyzes main laws discovered by P.P.Weymarn (1879-1935) during his work at the Saint-Petersburg Mining University, they are connected with obtaining metal-containing disperse substances with nanometer particle size. It enlists priority papers in this field (1906-1915) and describes peculiarities of P.P.Weymarn scientific school which has several connections to modern research being conducted at the Saint-Petersburg Mining University in the field of «nanotechnology» as well as by foreign scientists. The paper reveals continuity in the field of several objects (disperse metals) and the methodology of studying the properties and stoichiometry of substances depending on dispersity. It provides information on achievements in synthesis of surface nanostructured metals and low-dimension forms of substances in various porous matrixes. Among the studies of the XXI century developing Weymarn’s ideas there can be noted solid-state hydride synthesis of metals, layering of different-sized molecules of ammonium compounds on metals (Al, Cu, Ni, Fe), as well as synthesis of metal nanostructures (Ag, Cu, Bi) using porous glass as a particle size stabilizing matrix. In the latter case, the dispersity of the metal increases while its melting point decreases.

How to cite: Pleskunov I.V., Syrkov A.G. Development of research of low-dimension metal-containing systems from P.P. Weymarn to our days // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 231. p. 287-291. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2018.3.287
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Research of antifrictional properties of industrial oil with additives of the nanostructured metals the acoustic method

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On data of acoustic method, it’s discovered that dependence of integral index of friction (D) from loading pressure (P) under using of best lubricant with addition of nanostructured aluminium powder after treatment by mixture of alcamon and triamon vapour, doesn’t consist a characteristic peak under small pressures. This dependence is smooth, plain curve and in pressure range (15-55 MPa) is correctly described by equation D=8,5e 0,082P . Alteration of D on exponent low takes place under using of analogous addition on copper powder base and powder copper, which is processed by alcamon, too. Those facts testify about liquid mode of friction.

How to cite: Pleskunov I.V., Bystrov D.S., Syrkov A.G., Pantyushin I.V., Vakhreneva T.G. Research of antifrictional properties of industrial oil with additives of the nanostructured metals the acoustic method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 249-252.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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On the interrelation of water repellent properties and reactivity during oxidation of nanostructured metals based on steel and aluminum

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It was examined the correlation between water-repellent properties and reactionary properties in the process of oxidation for nanostructured materials, based on steel and industry trademarks of aluminum powder. Analysis experimental data showed, that for samples, which have nanofilms on cationic tensides and silicon-organic compounds on steel there is the symbatic correlation between water-repellent properties of coatings and their protective properties. And samples, based on aluminum, have highest intensivity of oxidation with middle level of water-repellent properties.

How to cite: Zhurenkova L.A., Pleskunov I.V., Magomedov T.M., Syrkov A.G., Taraban V.V. On the interrelation of water repellent properties and reactivity during oxidation of nanostructured metals based on steel and aluminum // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 241-245.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Involvement of off-balance reserves of III potash horizon of Starobinsky deposit in mining

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The paper presents results of feasibility study into recovering non-commercial reserves of mined horizons at the Starobinskoe potassium deposit. Topicality of this task is explained by a rather intensive reserve depreciation at the RUP PO Belaruskaliy Company and the fact that developing new horizons is a capital-intensive task which requires additional geological prospecting activities.

How to cite: Pleskunov V.A., Pleskunov I.V., Sirenko Y.G. Involvement of off-balance reserves of III potash horizon of Starobinsky deposit in mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 181. p. 67-68.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Development of recommendations on crossing of geological disturbances of mulda type at Starobinskoye field

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The paper studies formation processes of geological dislocation of the syncline type at the Staroobinsk potassium salt deposit. A fundamental difference in formation of outburst and outburst-safe synclines has been established with application of advanced 3D modeling software.

How to cite: Sirenko Y.G., Pleskunov I.V., Pleskunov V.A. Development of recommendations on crossing of geological disturbances of mulda type at Starobinskoye field // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 54-56.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Experience of development and implementation of nanostructured coatings for protection of metal structures at the enterprise of mining industry

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Symbate (and in some cases linear) correlation has been established between water-repelling and protective properties of currently known nanostructured and conventional paint steel coatings; the surface passivation effect in steel surface with triamon nano- undercoating has been revealed during long-term corrosion tests in industrial conditions. Nanostructured protective coatings have been developed and introduced at mining companies for the first time in the history.

How to cite: Syrkov A.G., Pleskunov I.V., Ignatiev S.A., Remzova E.V. Experience of development and implementation of nanostructured coatings for protection of metal structures at the enterprise of mining industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 237-239.
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Organization of selective excavation of thick potash seams at chamber system of development

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The paper provides information on the distinctive features of the geological structure of the Starobinsky deposit's formations and the current mining methods used at Levels II and III. Two methods of selective potash mining using the "loading-unloading-dumping" technology are proposed. The economic effect at realization of recommended schemes is calculated.

How to cite: Sirenko Y.G., Protosenya A.G., Brychkov M.Y., Pleskunov I.V. Organization of selective excavation of thick potash seams at chamber system of development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 172. p. 113-116.
Mining. Ecology
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Development and economic justification of the method of extraction of off-balance reserves of the Starobinskoe deposit

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This article presents an analysis of existing lava pillar excavation methods using selective mining implemented at the fourth potash horizon. A new method is proposed that ensures the recovery of not only economic resources but also non-commercial reserves of the fourth potash horizon. Non-commercial reserves are concentrated in the ninth sylvinite layer, which contains about 14% of the total resources of this horizon. The economic effect of the proposed mining method is up to $13 million for one mining pillar.

How to cite: Sirenko Y.G., Pleskunov I.V., Brychkov M.Y. Development and economic justification of the method of extraction of off-balance reserves of the Starobinskoe deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 125-127.
Fundamental and humanitarian research
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Nanostructural regulation and interrelation of water repellent and protective properties of coatings on steel

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The data on corrosion of Mk.3 steel with different coatings in atmospheric air containing potassium chloride, hydrogen chloride and sulfur dioxide impurities below the maximum permissible concentrations have been analyzed. A linear dependence between hydrophobic behavior and protective properties of coatings applied on steel was revealed both for standard compositions and for compositions with nanostructured filler (1 wt. %) obtained by hydride solid-phase synthesis.

How to cite: Syrkov A.G., Popova A.N., Pleskunov I.V., Kuleshov E.N. Nanostructural regulation and interrelation of water repellent and protective properties of coatings on steel // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 1 167. p. 299-301.
Without section
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Methods and effects of regulation of protective properties of coatings on steel surface using nanomaterials

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Corrosion of steel 3 and steel 3 with different coatings in air atmosphere containing impurities of HCl, SO2, KCl (0,04-0,20 mg/m3 , humidity 70-100%) in model conditions by gravimetric method has been investigated. The symbatic dependence between water-repellent properties of coatings and their protective properties has been established. The possibility of fine regulation and increase of protective properties of coatings by using nanofilms of oncationic tensides, base of silicone-organic compounds and nanostructured hydrophobic Si-C-containing fillers in the composition of coatings is shown.

How to cite: Syrkov A.G., Pleskunov I.V., Kuleshov E.N., Pleskunov V.N., Kibalko A.A. Methods and effects of regulation of protective properties of coatings on steel surface using nanomaterials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 184-187.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Nanotribology: the effect of the relationship between the energy characteristics of the surface and the antifriction and insulating properties of adsorbed cationic surfactants

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Literature data on the relationship between the energy characteristics of the surface (surface tension, bonding energy of surface atoms) with antifriction and insulating (protective) properties of ionogenic surfactants (surfactants) have been analyzed. Experimentally the tendency of strengthening the lubricating effect has been revealed in process of increasing the bond energy of the N1S characteristic level of cationic surfactants adsorbed on the metal; the effect of essential increase (~ by 2 eV) in the N1S bond energy has been revealed in case of joint adsorption of cationic surfactants with different in value hydrocarbon radicals at the nitrogen atom. The bonding energy was determined from measured X-ray photoelectron spectra; the lubricating effect was evaluated in tests on a high-speed conveyor at low loads in dilute aqueous solutions (about 0.01 % surfactant).

How to cite: Syrkov A.G., Demyanov S.E., Pleskunov I.V., Fedorova A.V. Nanotribology: the effect of the relationship between the energy characteristics of the surface and the antifriction and insulating properties of adsorbed cationic surfactants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 224-228.