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V. V. Musikhin
V. V. Musikhin
Perm State Technical University
Perm State Technical University


Geodesy, geomechanics and underground construction
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Geomechanical justification of tunnel parameters in construction of subway in Perm

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The project of underground electric transportation scheme for Perm city is considered. Geomechanical calculations of the proposed scheme have been performed to determine the stress-strain state around the unsupported circular opening in elastic approximation using geoinformation technologies. The calculation of the lining is performed using the method developed by B.A. Kartozia and V.N. Borisov. In conclusion, the methodology of obstruction and calculated geometric parameters of the mine support are given.

How to cite: Musikhin V.V. Geomechanical justification of tunnel parameters in construction of subway in Perm // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 2 170. p. 110-112.