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A. A. Otmas
A. A. Otmas
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University



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Study and perspectives of development of hydrocarbon resource base of Kalinin-grad region

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In the Kaliningrad region the industrial oil recovery has been begun in 1975, and the peak has reached in 1986 when it has been extracted 1,3 million tons of oil. Now this figure has considerably decreased. And the primary goal of prospecting works of area is reproduction of industrial stocks and preservation of rates of an oil recovery. In the given work the review of a condition of resource base of the Kaliningrad region is given, geological and economic aspects of its development are resulted. From the analysis of the developed situation in region aspects for decrease in a rod of profitability of development of oil pools and as consequence, attraction in region new are offered.

How to cite: Otmas A.A. Study and perspectives of development of hydrocarbon resource base of Kalinin-grad region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 34-36.
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Forecast of promising oil-geological objects on the basis of the analysis of the structure and location of the identified local structures, controlling oil deposits in the Baltic OGO

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Industrial recovery of oil has been carried out in Russia since 1713 and the volumes of extraction are constantly increasing. The main precondition for the development of the mining industry is replenishment of oil reserves and putting new oil fields in operation instead of the worked out ones. Unfortunately, easily accessible and large deposits have already been prospected or worked out and currently smaller-scale and technologically difficult deposits are rated as balance resources. And it is natural, that prospecting expenses are also increasing from year to year. The task of geologists is to determine location of an oil-field with the maximum precision possible even before the first stage of prospecting work; analysis of geological structures of a perspective area being one of ways to achieve this goal. A brief review of the industry condition in the Kaliningrad Region is given. Zoning of the region has been done in terms of perspective discovery of new deposits basing on structural analysis.

How to cite: Balykov D.Y., Otmas A.A. Forecast of promising oil-geological objects on the basis of the analysis of the structure and location of the identified local structures, controlling oil deposits in the Baltic OGO // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 7-9.