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Ya. I. Rudaev
Ya. I. Rudaev
professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University


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Simulation of rock deformation behavior

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A task of simulating the deformation behavior of geomaterials under compression with account of over-extreme branch has been addressed. The physical nature of rock properties variability as initially inhomogeneous material is explained by superposition of deformation and structural transformations of evolutionary type within open nonequilibrium systems. Due to this the description of deformation and failure of rock is related to hierarchy of instabilities within the system being far from thermodynamic equilibrium. It is generally recognized, that the energy function of the current stress-strain state is a superposition of potential component and disturbance, which includes the imperfection parameter accounting for defects not only existing in the initial state, but also appearing under load. The equation of state has been obtained by minimizing the energy function by the order parameter. The imperfection parameter is expressed through the strength deterioration, which is viewed as the internal parameter of state. The evolution of strength deterioration has been studied with the help of Fokker – Planck equation, which steady form corresponds to rock statical stressing. Here the diffusion coefficient is assumed to be constant, while the function reflecting internal sliding and loosening of the geomaterials is assumed as an antigradient of elementary integration catastrophe. Thus the equation of state is supplemented with a correlation establishing relationship between parameters of imperfection and strength deterioration. While deformation process is identified with the change of dissipative media, coupled with irreversible structural fluctuations. Theoretical studies are proven with experimental data obtained by subjecting certain rock specimens to compression.

How to cite: Rudaev Y.I., Kitaeva D.A., Mamadalieva M.A. Simulation of rock deformation behavior // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 222. p. 816-822. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.6.816