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V. P. Scobelina
V. P. Scobelina
Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


Effective management in mineral resources complex and energy industry: approaches, tools and mechanisms
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Conditions for the formation of networks in oil and gas complex for associated petroleum gas integrated use

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In the ten years the Russian economy showed wasteful attitude to the use of associated petroleum gas (APG). As a high-value chemical raw material and high-efficiency organic fuel, APG is an integral part of effective energy use in conditions of energy products growing deficit. The article analyses the main directions for the development of networks in the Russian Federation for the oil and gas industry, highlights the most promising areas in terms of the wide-spread use of this type of gas resource.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Andrievskaya I.S. Conditions for the formation of networks in oil and gas complex for associated petroleum gas integrated use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 185.
Organizational and economic problems of innovative development of a mineral and raw complex
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Measures of stimulation of use of associated petroleum gas use

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Associated petroleum gas(APG), as a high-value chemical raw material and high-efficiency organic fuel, is an integral part of effective energy use in conditions of energy products growing deficit. The article analyses the features and reasons for rejection of program aimed at integrated use of associated petroleum gas by technology adoption inrefining, integral indicators of the effectiveness evaluating of APG use by oil companies are given.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Tremasova I.S. Measures of stimulation of use of associated petroleum gas use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 258.
Effective use of mineral resources in Russia: current state, problems, institutions, prospects
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Systematic approach to the development оf precious metal ore deposits Khabarovsk Territory

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Questions of principle of the system approach to development of deposits of ores of precious metals of Khabarovsk territory are stated in a format of the complex program «Development of the Far East and Transbaikalian edge» for 2005-2020 c by the account of introduction of innovative technologies on complex use of mineral resources complex of region. The estimation  of economic benefits from the acceleration of the initial phase of an innovative project of complex use gold-silver of ores of a deposit of «Albazino» developed by JSC «Polymetal».

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Akimov D.A. Systematic approach to the development оf precious metal ore deposits Khabarovsk Territory // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 105.
Effective use of mineral resources in Russia: current state, problems, institutions, prospects
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Cluster policy as an innovative form of associated petrolium gas intelligent use

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At the present time the issue the rational use of associated petroleum gas (APG) is topical. While solving this problem it is important not to curtail curtailing the economic position of subsoil. In the article possible areas of implementation of cluster policy are highlighted on the regional and the federal levels. The experience of innovative strategies formation of Khanty-Mansiysk is analyzed on the basis of an acceptable combination of industry and cluster policies for the effective use of associated petroleum gas. Conversely it could be argued that this objective is associated with the departure from single-industry economy towards a multi-sectoral development, which is based on inter-regional arrangements and the cluster structures organization.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Tremasova I.S. Cluster policy as an innovative form of associated petrolium gas intelligent use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 110.
Economics and management
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Methodological aspects of innovative-industrial clusters of mineral-raw specialization

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Transition of the Russian economy from export-raw to innovative development is possible  on the basis of a diversification and increase of corporations innovative activity by carrying out cluster policy. In article distinctive features of industrial and cluster policy are analysed, theoretical aspects of industrial cluster creation are considered. Also the system approach to formation of innovative-industrial clusters of mineral-raw specialization is presented, the basic measures of a complex estimation of the cluster group importance are  allocated.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Tremasova I.S. Methodological aspects of innovative-industrial clusters of mineral-raw specialization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 207.
Economical problems in use of subsurface and development of the mineral resources complex
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To the question of formation and functioning of self-developing territorial economic systems

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One of the directions of stable balanced and socially productive development of russian economy is self-developing territorial systems formation. Self-developing territorial economic systems should provide the expanded reproduction of total regional product at the expense of own resources and incomes potential.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Lyubek Y.V. To the question of formation and functioning of self-developing territorial economic systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 322.

Integration processes in the fuel and energy complex of Russia

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Forecast data and development factors of Russian fuel and energy complex for the period till 2030 are given in the article. Also the integration processes accompanying reformation of power branch are characterized. Territorial generation companies are considered as the main players on the wholesale power market created during branch re-structuring. Management scheme of production recourse is presented for them.

How to cite: Nikolaeva A.Y., Skobelina V.P. Integration processes in the fuel and energy complex of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 274.

Working out of the mechanism of management by industrial resources of the territorial generating company

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The main aspects of management mechanism development for production resources of territorial generation company are highlighted in the given paper. The territorial generation company characteristic, as a subject of electric power market is given. Basic principles of the mechanism development, object and basic scheme of production resources management are resulted.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Nikolaeva A.Y. Working out of the mechanism of management by industrial resources of the territorial generating company // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 302.
Problems in conservation of resources? mine surveying and wise erth's interior utilization
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Main problems of institutional subsurface resources management in the Russian potash industry

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There is no theoretical basis of the structure and directions for optimization of institutional systems of use of subsurface resources in Russia. The institutional system of subsurface resource management includes: legislation; financial support mechanisms for reproduction of raw material base measures; economic mechanism of subsurface resource management and environmental protection (such as bidding rights of using subsoil); programs for mineral prospering; taxation of mining companies; further development of licensing; audits; creating a reserve stock of minerals.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Ponomarenko T.V. Main problems of institutional subsurface resources management in the Russian potash industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 259-262.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Integrated assessment state and use of capital business entity

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There is studied the totality of the capital and property of the managing subject as the basis of its financial resources. The financial resources structure characteristics is provided. There is proposed a complex analysis scheme for the enterprise capital use including the build-up source analysis, profitability analysis and ratio analysis of the different capital types turnover. There is recommended the aggregate procedure of the capital turnover ratio analysis to the financial results of the enterprise activity including the structural logic procedures of the owned and loan capital use.

How to cite: Scobelina V.P. Integrated assessment state and use of capital business entity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 84-88.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Estimate of efficiency using material resources ore-dressing enterprise

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There is studied the activities system to estimate the efficiency of the material resource using effectiveness at a ore mining and processing enterprise, for instance OJSC “Apatit”. The activities were calculated as a part of the industrial and economic activity financial result analysis for a three year period. The activity study demonstrated that the extensive type of the material resources growth is typical for this enterprise with an unpractical use of the material stuff. As the material resource use efficiency criterion there is selected the most resumptive parameter, the profit per ruble of the material expenses. It is offered for this parameter analysis per factor.

How to cite: Scobelina V.P., Kogan O.S. Estimate of efficiency using material resources ore-dressing enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 89-93.
Problems of development of the fuel and energy complex and energy saving
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Reforming the electric power industry of Russia - a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency of the fuel and energy complex

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In the article dependence of fuel and energy resources structure of fuel and energy complex on innovative processes in electric power industry is shown, necessity of reforming of electricpower inductry of Russia is proved. On experience of industrially-power complexes reforming of some economically developed countries, positive influence of market attitudes activization on growth of profitability of electric power industry and efficiency of thermal power station is disclosed.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Nikolaeva A.Y. Reforming the electric power industry of Russia - a necessary condition for increasing the efficiency of the fuel and energy complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 95-98.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Conceptual foundations of economic management of subsoil use

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The initial principles of rational subsoil use in the format of state management of activities on geological exploration, geological and economic assessment, extraction, processing and utilization of mineral resources are formulated.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Stepanova T.E. Conceptual foundations of economic management of subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 11-14.
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Экономическая оценка минерально-сырьевых ресурсов на федеральном и региональном уровнях

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Законом Российской Федерации "О недрах" вводится ряд принципиально но­вых положений в области недропользования. Так, предусмотрено введение пла­тежей за недра, размер которых будет определяться размерами участков недр, предоставляемых в пользование, количеством и качеством полезных ископаемых (ПИ) и иными свойствами, определяющими ценность недр ...

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Kuklina E.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1995. Vol. 140. p. 29.
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Методические вопросы определения договорных цен на научно-техническую продукцию для ситуации развития рыночных отношений

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Начавшийся в отечественной экономике процесс перехода к рыночным отношениям сопровождается деформацией монополизированных производственных структур, производственных отношений, в частности отношений между произ­водственной и научной сферами применения общественного труда ...

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Afanaseva N.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1995. Vol. 140. p. 33.
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Нормирование затрат труда в научно-технической деятельности при переходе к рыночным отношениям

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Начавшийся в отечественной экономике процесс перехода к рыночным от­ношениям сопровождается деформацией монополизированных производственных структур, производственных отношений и, в частности, отношений между про­изводственной и научной сферами применения общественного труда ...

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Afanaseva N.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1992. Vol. 132. p. 33.
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Методы определения укрупненной трудоемкости НИОКР геофизического профиля

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В условиях развития хозрасчетных отношений между наукой и производ­ством необходим комплексный подход к планированию цикла исследование- производство ...

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Afanaseva N.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1990. Vol. 122. p. 46.
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Метод формирования цен на научно-исследовательскую продукцию геологического характера

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Цена на научно-исследовательскую продукцию представляет собой стои­мостную категорию, с помощью которой обеспечиваются финансовые взаимоот­ношения между сферой науки (разработчиками НИОКР) и производством (заказ­чиком, использу ющи м результаты НИОКР) ...

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Afanaseva N.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1989. Vol. 120. p. 56.
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Моделирование капитальных вложений с учетом их целевого распределения в производственных объединениях горной промышленности

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Курс на интенсификацию общественного производства предъявляет новые требования к совершенствованию всего производственного потенциала народ­ного хозяйства ...

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Bolshakova E.V., Popkov A.A., Dovgal V.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1987. Vol. 114. p. 22.
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Оценка эффективности капитальных вложений в развитие Печорского угольного бассейна

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В политическом докладе ХХ VII съезду КПСС указывалось, что суть рекон­струкции народного хозяйства на основе научно-технического прогресса со­стоит прежде всего в изменении структурной и инвестиционной политики ...

How to cite: Afanaseva N.A., Skobelina V.P., Sedin V.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1987. Vol. 114. p. 61.
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Моделирование капительных вложений при экономической оценке минерально-сырьевых ресурсов цветной металлургии

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Моделирование капитальных вложений в цветной металлургии сопряжено с оценкой состояния минерально-сырьевой базы и вариантов ее развития с по­следующим обоснованием воспроизводственной структуры капитальных затрат ...

How to cite: Skobelina V.P. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1984. Vol. 102. p. 36.
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К вопросу управления воспроизводственной структурой капитальных вложений на уровне производственных объединений горной промышленности

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Ухудшение качества минерально-сырьевой базы и горно-геологических ус­ловиий добычи полезных ископаемых приводит к росту капитальных вложений и издержек производства на разведку, добычу и переработку полезных ископае­мых ...

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Kukinova V.M. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1981. Vol. 90. p. 6.
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Учет инвестиций при формировании региональных моделей производственно-хозяйственных связей в цветной металлургии

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Подотрасли цветной металлургии характеризуются высокой степенью концентрации и комбинирования производства. При весьма низких содержани­ях полезных компонентов в рудах и сложности их состава достаточный уро­вень рентабельности может быть достигнут лишь при крупномасштабном произ­водстве ...

How to cite: Skobelina V.P. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1981. Vol. 90. p. 40.
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Концентрация производства и управление запасами материальных ценностей

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На современном этапе процесс концентрации производства является важ­нейшим фактором роста объема производства и повышения его эффективности. Однако в ряде отраслей, производящих физически сложную, разнообразную про­дукцию, уже начинают ощущаться недостатки чрезмерно крупного производства, которые, в основном, сгодятся к одновременным затратам больших средств на строительство, более длительным его срокам, а также сложности равномерно­го размещения промышленности по территории страны и комплексного развития экономических районов ...

How to cite: Skobelina V.P. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1978. Vol. 79. p. 73.
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Метод определения допустимых размеров потерь

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Потери полезных ископаемых отрицательно влияют на экономику предприятия и отрасли, увеличивая издержки производства и сокращая срок службы горных предприятий. Однако неизбежность потерь при су­ществующих технологиях добычи имеет и положительную сторону: потери полезного ископаемого в целиках в зависимости от назначения послед­них сокращают в той или иной степени затраты на крепление и поддер­жание горных выработок; списание в потери некондиционных участков шахтного поля способствует снижению издержек производства ...

How to cite: Skobelina V.P. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1975. Vol. № 3 56. p. 100.