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I. S. Tremasova
I. S. Tremasova
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)


Organizational and economic problems of innovative development of a mineral and raw complex
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Measures of stimulation of use of associated petroleum gas use

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Associated petroleum gas(APG), as a high-value chemical raw material and high-efficiency organic fuel, is an integral part of effective energy use in conditions of energy products growing deficit. The article analyses the features and reasons for rejection of program aimed at integrated use of associated petroleum gas by technology adoption inrefining, integral indicators of the effectiveness evaluating of APG use by oil companies are given.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Tremasova I.S. Measures of stimulation of use of associated petroleum gas use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 258.
Effective use of mineral resources in Russia: current state, problems, institutions, prospects
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Cluster policy as an innovative form of associated petrolium gas intelligent use

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At the present time the issue the rational use of associated petroleum gas (APG) is topical. While solving this problem it is important not to curtail curtailing the economic position of subsoil. In the article possible areas of implementation of cluster policy are highlighted on the regional and the federal levels. The experience of innovative strategies formation of Khanty-Mansiysk is analyzed on the basis of an acceptable combination of industry and cluster policies for the effective use of associated petroleum gas. Conversely it could be argued that this objective is associated with the departure from single-industry economy towards a multi-sectoral development, which is based on inter-regional arrangements and the cluster structures organization.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Tremasova I.S. Cluster policy as an innovative form of associated petrolium gas intelligent use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 110.
Economics and management
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Methodological aspects of innovative-industrial clusters of mineral-raw specialization

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Transition of the Russian economy from export-raw to innovative development is possible  on the basis of a diversification and increase of corporations innovative activity by carrying out cluster policy. In article distinctive features of industrial and cluster policy are analysed, theoretical aspects of industrial cluster creation are considered. Also the system approach to formation of innovative-industrial clusters of mineral-raw specialization is presented, the basic measures of a complex estimation of the cluster group importance are  allocated.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Tremasova I.S. Methodological aspects of innovative-industrial clusters of mineral-raw specialization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 207.

Systematism of human resources performance measures in mining organisation

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The innovative development of the national economy largely depends on the state and development of human capital which is the base of forming of employment potential and human resources of regions, industries, organizations. The article presents the results of a study of staffing problems in mining regions (on the example of Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Kemerovo regions). The system of indicators for the integrated assessment of human resources of mining organizations is developed in accordance with the specific industry human problems; the comprehensive assessment of the human resources of «Severo-Onega Bauxite Rabbet» INK is given and measures for its improvement are proposed.

How to cite: Nevskaya M.A., Tremasova I.S. Systematism of human resources performance measures in mining organisation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 267.