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Vol 185
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Main problems of institutional subsurface resources management in the Russian potash industry

V. P. Skobelina1
T. V. Ponomarenko2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — Ph.D. Associate professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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There is no theoretical basis of the structure and directions for optimization of institutional systems of use of subsurface resources in Russia. The institutional system of subsurface resource management includes: legislation; financial support mechanisms for reproduction of raw material base measures; economic mechanism of subsurface resource management and environmental protection (such as bidding rights of using subsoil); programs for mineral prospering; taxation of mining companies; further development of licensing; audits; creating a reserve stock of minerals.

institutional system resource management licensing of subsurface resources management
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  1. Корепанов Н.А. Современный контроль недропользования / Сыктывкарский лесной ин-т. Сыктывкар, 2005.
  2. Крюков В.А. Анализ развития системы недропользования в России (о необходимости ужесточения институциональных условий) // Вопросы экономики. 2006. № 1.

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