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S. G. Ashikhmin
S. G. Ashikhmin
Associate professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Associate Professor
The Permian State Technical University
Associate professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Associate Professor
The Permian State Technical University


Oil and gas
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The relationship of fracture toughness coefficients and geophysical characteristics of rocks of hydrocarbon deposits

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This paper contains the results of laboratory tests to determine the fracture toughness coefficient K IC of rocks for terrigenous and carbonate objects by three methods. The tests were carried out by different methods due to the lack of a standard method for determining the fracture toughness characteristics of rocks in Russia. We used the following methods for determining the K IC coefficient: the extension of core specimens with an annular fracture, the action of a concentrated load on a beam specimen with a fracture and the method of bending semi-circular samples with a fracture according to ISRM recommendations. The paper presents the relationship of the fracture toughness coefficients with the P-wave velocity and porosity. The obtained dependencies characterize the general trend of changing for the studied parameter and can be used in the design of hydraulic fracturing in the fields for which tests were conducted.

How to cite: Kashnikov Y.A., Ashikhmin S.G., Kukhtinskii A.E., Shustov D.V. The relationship of fracture toughness coefficients and geophysical characteristics of rocks of hydrocarbon deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 241. p. 83-90. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.1.83
Problems in geodynamic and ecological safety in the exploration of fields of oil and das, their storage and transporta
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Deformational precursors of technogenic earthquakes in mining the hydrocarbon deposits

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During monitoring since 2005 to 2008 at the Astrakhan gas-field it has been recorded three technogenic earthquakes. Results of geodetic levelling for the given period allow to approve that seismic event is preceded by raisings of a surface and its subsequent subsidence as a its result of unloading. That allows to use geodetic levelling for the forecast of technogenic seismic phenomena for oil and gas fields.

How to cite: Kashnikov Y.A., Ashikhmin S.G., Bukin V.G., Grishko S.V., Getmanov I.V., Odintsov S.L., Gorbatikov A.V. Deformational precursors of technogenic earthquakes in mining the hydrocarbon deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 145-152.
Problems in geodynamic and ecological safety in the exploration of fields of oil and das, their storage and transporta
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Geomechanical and geodynamic problems ассompanying the мining of hydrocarbon deposits

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Rock mechanics in petroleum industry is used for determination of geomechanical models of rock mass, calculating parameters of rock subsidence, stability of oil and gas wells, problems relevant to geodynamics. The present paper describes the analytical and numerical analyses of compaction in reservoir, following reduction in filter-capacity performance and well productivity.

How to cite: Kashnikov Y.A., Ashikhmin S.G., Gladyshev S.V., Popov S.N. Geomechanical and geodynamic problems ассompanying the мining of hydrocarbon deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 153-157.
Problems in geomechanics of technologeneous rock mass
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The use of data on stress-strain state of rock mass in solutions of mining-and-technical tasks on the example of the Tishin ore mine

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The Permion State Technical University and ASE «VNIItsvetmet» have carried out in situ measurements of stress-strain state at the Tishinsky lead-zinc ore deposit. Measurements and interpretation of deformations and stresses caused by excavation were used. Complex of researches made it possible to solve some important problems for safeguarding effective and secure ore production ore on deep level.

How to cite: Kashnikov Y.A., Ashikhmin S.G., Shustov D.V., Ananin A.I., Fandeev A.E. The use of data on stress-strain state of rock mass in solutions of mining-and-technical tasks on the example of the Tishin ore mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 46-50.