The paper is dedicated to one of the oldest scientific and technical periodicals in Russia, scientific agent of the Saint-Petersburg Mining University – «Proceedings of the Mining Institute». In 2017 we shall celebrate the 110-th anniversary of the first issue of the magazine coming from the press. That event gains a particular meaning because of the growing role of periodicals in operative gaining, storing, translating and practically applying scientific information. Modern society is duly called the information society, in which intense and efficient use of one of its main resources – knowledge – is the chief factor of successful development of all the spheres of the society. «Proceedings of the Mining Institute» – is an exceptionally important fragment of that resource, shaped by all of its history. The paper considers the pre-history and historical stages of establishment of the «Proceedings of the Mining Institute». It stresses the high authority of the majority of participants of that process: starting from the initiators of its publication (professors of the Mining Institute) and all the way to its current authors – outstanding scientists of Russia, the near and the far abroad, as well as the well-known political and economic leaders of the country. Reconstruction of the past of the «Proceedings of the Mining Institute» demonstrates that the magazine has rich and valuable history. Being itself a necessary expression of tribute and gratitude to the magazine forerunners, the re- construction is not the only principal purpose of this study, that purpose consisting in identification and substantiation of ways and means of upgrading the magazine, to support its competitive edge in the extremely complex information space, both global and domestic, saturated with information as never before.
The article examines the stages and events of Humboldt s life, associated with the European institutions: Freiberg Mining Academy and the Mining Cadet Corps in St Petersburg. It establishes the fact that his training at the former, in particular, his acquaintance with V.Y.Sojymonov, con-tributed to the beginning of his connection with the Mining Cadet Corps. A notable event in Hum-boldt s life, which helped to establish and further develop those contacts, was his trip to the Urals and Siberia, where he met and worked with alumni and staff of the Mining Cadet Corps – P.P.Anosov, E.K.Hoffman, D.S.Menshenin, and G.P.Gelmersen. A number of Humboldt’s arti-cles, published in a scientific journal of the Corps «The Mining Journal», testify to those meetings. The article provides a conclusion, which is of great current interest, in connection with the anniversaries: 250 th anniversary of Freiberg Mining Academy; 240 th anniversary of the Mining Cadet Corps (nowadays – the National Mineral Resources University «The Mining University»), and 190 th anniversary of «The Mining Journal», - that those two core European educational institu-tions with the mining and geological specialization, in close and productive interaction played a key role in Humboldt’s life and professional activity.
The information and intellect are considered as strategic souses of the modern society. It connects with the essential transformation of all its spheres, with the processes of the globalization. The information and intellect are the foundation of the modern strategic thinking for the forecasts and planning of the social activity.
Ecological crisis is the essential part of the total crisis of the modern civilization. It is the consequence of the number of the causes, including dehumanization of society, moral decadence, loss of need in the beauty and so on. These processes are the special danger for the young generation. For the neutralization of the negative processes it is necessary to combine the ecological education with the ecological training, is engaged in its humanitarisation. In this connection we have the task of the creation of the ecological preparation system of the specialists. Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute is the first institute in Russia, in which are introduced the disciplines of the ecological profile and in which is accumulated the considerable experiment in the education of the engineers-ecologists, is created the scientific base and the skilled workers, is extended the spectrum of the directions and the disciplines – is laid of the stable foundation for the proposed system of the ecological education. The natural-science and engineering blocks of this foundation with the necessity must are cemented with the block of the social and humanistic disciplines, including ecoethics, ecoesthetics, ecopsychology, ecophilosophy, ecohistory, ecopolitology, ecoethnology, etc.
Globalization and informatisaton of the modern society, the successes of natural and humanistic sciences determine the higher attention to the evolution of the human knowledge. In the last time the evolutionary theory of knowledge is becoming of the one of intensive developing interdisciplinary direction in the several countries. One of the founder of this theory is Austrian scientist and philosopher K.Lorenz (1903-1989).
K.Lorenz's conception of culture is presented in the article. K. Lorenz, a well-known scientist and thinker, Nobel Prize laureate. The peculiarity of his conception, i.e. naturalisation of culture and it's development, is dealt with hereinafter. The naturalisation of culture includes the search for analogy between the organic and cultural systems. This kind of analysis connected with an important contemporary task, viz the safety of nature and culture, is touched upon too.
The theory of cognition is an important part of philosophy. Recently, the role of this theory is increasing in the process of training a specialist, in the environment of a humanistic university. This is due to the progress of knowledge, the connection of the theory of cognition with humanistic and anthropological problems, the formation of information society. Modern problems of epistemology are the problems of the evolution of knowledge, the prospects of its development in the future. The most important prospect is the development and introduction into all spheres of activity of biocomputers - new subjects of cognition - parts of a new reality. The inclusion of modern problems of epistemology in the course of philosophy is necessary to prepare the young generation for activity and life in a significantly changing environment.
In connection with the problem of correlation of natural-scientific and philosophical approaches to human cognition the theoretical and cognitive views of A.A.Bogdanov and his polemic with N.A.Berdyaev are critically analyzed. Taking into account the peculiarities of the modern state of gnoseology, the necessity of further development of its methodology is substantiated.