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A. V. Petukhov
A. V. Petukhov
professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Chemical consolidation of friable sandstones in operating wells of an underground gas storage

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Development of semiconsolidated collectors always becomes complicated by both sand production and contamination, and decision arise at that problem become paramount task for hydrocarbons production. These complications are typical for Gatchina underground gas stor-age. The produce reservoir represents unconsolidated sandstone, that’s why the facility works in the conditions of overabrasion. Sand production is rather considerable.

How to cite: Tananykhin D.S., Petukhov A.V., Shagiakhmetov A.M. Chemical consolidation of friable sandstones in operating wells of an underground gas storage // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 206. p. 107.
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Conditions and peculiarities of scale formation in the later stages of oil reservoir development

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Fight with scale in the well operation is one of the most important ways to increase the efficiency of oil production. Scale formation in the bottom hole reservoir and downhole equipment reduce their productivity, leading to the current unplanned and costly workovers. The piper describes the characteristics of the process of scaling in wells in the later stages of the development of oil fields.

How to cite: Shangaraeva L.A., Petukhov A.V. Conditions and peculiarities of scale formation in the later stages of oil reservoir development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 206. p. 112.
Geology and metallogeny
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The particularities of flow simulation in fractured carbonate reservoirs of Yuribcheno-Tahomskaya oil and gas bearing area

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There is full rationale of the phenomenological model of complicated riphean fractured carbonate reservoirs of Yurubcheno-Tokhomskaya oil-gas bearing area, created for simulation of development process for unique oil and gas deposits. The block discrete organization of these complex structure reservoirs are allow them non-additive and non-linear properties under development. Their marked similarity of their structure in a wide range of sizes, as well as the phenomenon of self-organization characteristic of complex nonequilibrium systems. Based on these production rates and their total cumulative production within such hydrocarbon  obey a power  law distribution, which is characteristic of the behavior of many nonlinear systems and can be described by Pareto. To implement the suggested model has been written special computer program compatible with the hydrodynamic simulation «Tempest MORE» of «Roxar».

How to cite: Petukhov A.V., Dolgii I.E., Kozlov A.V., Petukhov A.A. The particularities of flow simulation in fractured carbonate reservoirs of Yuribcheno-Tahomskaya oil and gas bearing area // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 200. p. 242.
Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Analysis of rheological properties оf yaregskoe field heavy high-viscosity oil

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Results of experimental determination of Yaregskoe field degassed oil rheological features are given in the article. Modern methods of visco-elastic and thixotropic properties research are described and results of these methods application while abnormal oil research are shown. As a result an improved data of Yaregskoe field oil is obtained and there is a recommendation to extend a number of enhanced oil recovery methods, including physicochemical and wave methods application.

How to cite: Nikitin M.N., Gladkov P.D., Kolonskikh A.V., Petukhov A.V., Mikheev A.I. Analysis of rheological properties оf yaregskoe field heavy high-viscosity oil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 73.
Problems in geodynamic and ecological safety in the exploration of fields of oil and das, their storage and transporta
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Geodynamic model of hydrogen sulphide’s formation in natural gas and oil in the process of rocks impulsive compression under conditions оf earthquakes

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By experiments, conducted on the installation like Bridgeman’s anvil it was determined that under conditions of high pressure, displacement deformations and elastic wave’s effect of short duration, sulphates are reclaimed by hydrocarbons. As a result of this reaction sulphur and hydrogen sulphide are produced.

How to cite: Petukhov A.V. Geodynamic model of hydrogen sulphide’s formation in natural gas and oil in the process of rocks impulsive compression under conditions оf earthquakes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 189-194.
Problems in geodynamic and ecological safety in the exploration of fields of oil and das, their storage and transporta
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Research of deformation, strength and filtration characteristics of Nizhnechutinskoe oil field’s reservoirs in case of depression making in the process of oilwells exploitation

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It is determined that main reasons of permeability reservoirs decrease in Nizhnechutinskoe oil field are capillary pressures and elastic stresses, appearing at depression making. It is displayed that to reduce tangential stresses in oil bearing reservoirs it is expedient to make vertical slits in oilwells’ open holes.

How to cite: Petukhov A.V., Petukhov A.A. Research of deformation, strength and filtration characteristics of Nizhnechutinskoe oil field’s reservoirs in case of depression making in the process of oilwells exploitation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 195-202.
Problems in geodynamic and ecological safety in the exploration of fields of oil and das, their storage and transporta
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The analysis of factors, that cause processes of open hole wells’ destructions of Gatchina underground gas storage reservoir and prediction of sand effects

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The peculiarities of elastic stresses in open hole wells’ of Gatchina gas storage reservoir are researched. It is revealed that in depression more than 1,5 MPa gas bearing rocks start to destroy. On the basis of studying of correlation relation between technological parameters of gas wells’ production and evacuation of sand the equations of plural regression are constructed. These equations are used to make prediction of sand evacuation at each producing gas well.

How to cite: Grishin D.V., Petukhov A.V., Petukhov A.A. The analysis of factors, that cause processes of open hole wells’ destructions of Gatchina underground gas storage reservoir and prediction of sand effects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 207-213.