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Vol 188
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Research of deformation, strength and filtration characteristics of Nizhnechutinskoe oil field’s reservoirs in case of depression making in the process of oilwells exploitation

A. V. Petukhov1
A. A. Petukhov2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — foreman Leningrad Board of underground gas storage of «Gazprom PHG»
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It is determined that main reasons of permeability reservoirs decrease in Nizhnechutinskoe oil field are capillary pressures and elastic stresses, appearing at depression making. It is displayed that to reduce tangential stresses in oil bearing reservoirs it is expedient to make vertical slits in oilwells’ open holes.

permeability reservoir oil field capillary pressures tangential stresses depression open hole of well
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