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S. G. Baranov
S. G. Baranov
leading research assistant, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
leading research assistant, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


Innovation in designing of mining plants
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Determination of a minimum permissible thickness of interstrata in undermining of a coal seam

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The Article presents the method for the determination of a minimum permissible thickness of rock interstrata, with which it is permissible to apply the steel-polymer roof bolts upon undermining of a coal seam. The method is based on the results of investigations of behavior of roof layers above the productive working with using the deep datum marks.

How to cite: Baranov S.G. Determination of a minimum permissible thickness of interstrata in undermining of a coal seam // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 114.
Innovation in designing of mining plants
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Mechanism of infuence on the powered roof support of rocks under different schemes of its failure above the mined-out space

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The paper considers three basic schemes of roof failure above the face bottom of long-wall during mining operations covering the whole diversity of mechanisms of support-roof interaction. The relationships are given for the determination of required rated resistance of the powered support with reference to the schemes of roof failure.

How to cite: Baranov S.G., Rozenbaum M.A. Mechanism of infuence on the powered roof support of rocks under different schemes of its failure above the mined-out space // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 198. p. 100.
Innovation in designing of mining plants
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Generalized schemes of interaction between the powered support and roof

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The paper considers three basic schemes of roof failure above the face bottom of long-wall during mining operations covering the whole diversity of mechanisms of support-roof interaction. The model of interaction between the powered support and heavy roof is given as well as the calculated scheme for the determination of necessary rated resistance of roof.

How to cite: Rozenbaum M.A., Baranov S.G., Loginov M.A. Generalized schemes of interaction between the powered support and roof // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 198. p. 108.
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Determination of maximum roof spans in the intensive mining of flat-lying coal seams at the Kuzbass basin

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It was established the reciprocal interaction of longwall advance velocity, mining depth and main roof thickness per a pace of its subsidence; the proper graphs have been constructed.

How to cite: Baranov S.G., Vlasenko D.S., Loginov M.A. Determination of maximum roof spans in the intensive mining of flat-lying coal seams at the Kuzbass basin // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 22.
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Dynamics of rock pressure manifestation in mining the flat-lying coal seams with heavy roofs

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In caving of main roof rocks immediately overlaying the seam, a great amount of energy from elastic compression of rocks is released, in consequence of that the dynamic loading on the powered support takes place. Consideration is given to the influence of the support power parameters on the loading dynamics.

How to cite: Baranov S.G., Vlasenko D.S., Loginov M.A. Dynamics of rock pressure manifestation in mining the flat-lying coal seams with heavy roofs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 26.
Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Assessment of the level of technological production of coal reserves in mine fields with intensive mining of fiat-lying coal seams

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The levels of technological production of coal reserves in the stoping faces have been determined depending on the main determining factors, such as suitability of conditions, their preparation and equipment of longwalls.

How to cite: Baranov S.G., Rozenbaum M.A. Assessment of the level of technological production of coal reserves in mine fields with intensive mining of fiat-lying coal seams // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 43-46.
Current problems of the development of mineral deposits
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Основные направления дальнейшего совершенствования оборудования выемочных участков

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Главной задачей отработки угольных пластов длинными очистными забоями является резкое повышение нагрузки на лаву и снижение количества одновременно работающих забоев . В практике работы угольных предприятий России производительность лавы в благоприятных условиях залегания пластов достигает 10-15 и даже 20 тыс. т/сут. В осложненных условиях нагрузка на забой не превышает в среднем 700 т/сут. Изложены предложения по обеспечению высокой нагрузки на лаву в широком диапазоне горно-геологических условий.

How to cite: Baranov S.G. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 3 168. p. 91-93.