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A. A. Filinkov
A. A. Filinkov
laboratory head, Ph.D.
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
laboratory head, Ph.D.
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Geomechanical substantiation of projects of ore deposits mining

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The paper presents the monitoring system for better geodynamic safety in mining of mineral deposits. The suggested system of geodynamic monitoring allows us to evaluate the stress state of ore massif for the planned variant of mining and to give recommendations on the safe deposit mining. Based on the analysis of the modeling data, consideration was given to one of the variants of geomechanical substantiation of the project of ore deposit mining.

How to cite: Zubkov V.V., Filinkov A.A. Geomechanical substantiation of projects of ore deposits mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 31-35.
Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Control of dynamic rock pressure manifestations in mining the «Antey» deposit

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The article considers the conditions and pattern of dynamic rock pressure manifestations in mining the «Antey» deposit of uranium ores. Data on geological, technological and geomechanical conditions of the deposit mining are given. The methods and means for rock pressure control are described as well as the results of their application at deep horizons of ore mine are given.

How to cite: Rasskazov I.Y., Kursakin G.A., Saksin B.G., Filinkov A.A., Svyatetskii V.S., Prosekin B.A. Control of dynamic rock pressure manifestations in mining the «Antey» deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 87-94.