Reasons of transition tunnel construction to the pre-emergency state and the nature of landslide displacements trimmed slope, which can be traced in the context of the Lower Cambrian blue clay are defined. Influence of microbial activity as a negative factor fracture of structural materials, as well as strength reducing of blue clay. Regularities of changes in the state and the strength of blue clay at the depth, taking into account their degree of disintegration – layering and fracturing. The quantitative evaluation of stability of the construction of the transport tunnel, taking into account changes in the strength of blue clay as an fissered medium at different positions of the landslide surface. The strategy of measures to ensure the reliability of the facilities.
It is noted that when designing structures for various purposes in order to ensure their long-term stability it is necessary to analyze the possibility of transformation of the basic components of underground space (rocks, underground water, gas, microbiota, underground construction) under the influence of natural and technogenic factors. The research results of the effect of ultraviolet radiation and vibration influence on the activity and the number of microorganisms are presented. The influence of organic pollutants on the physical and mechanical properties of the sand deposits is estimated.
Engineering-geological and hydro-geological features of rent of St. Petersburg are considered. It is noted that at designing buildings for different purposes, in order to ensure their long-term stability it is necessary to analyze the possibility of their transformation the main components of underground space (rocks, underground water, gas, microbiota, underground structures) under the influence of natural and technogenic factors. Examples of transformation of sand-clay soils under the influence of physical and chemical conditions change and activization of microbial activity in underground space are given. The case of transition of a heavy construction to a pre-emergency condition because of mistakes in engineering research and incorrect assigning of computative parameters is analyzed.
The influence of change engineering-geological and geoenvironmental conditions on stability of cement factory are considered in this paper. Influence of additional humidifying, rise in temperature in the basis of constructions and activization of microbic activity is considered. The specificity of physicomechanical properties of silica rock and upper Jurassic clay is considered. Results of experimental researches of increase in microbic mass in soils at watering and heating are resulted. The estimation influences of temperature on deformation ability soils is given.
Engineering-geological features of a profile of the basis under the constructions of cement factory in Republic Mordovia are analyzed in this paper. The criterion of designing on the second limiting condition is considered. The specificity of physicomechanical properties of silica rock and K1- J3 clay is considered. Parameters of standard physicomechanical properties of soils are resulted, mass definitions of swelling soil ability and changes of clay durability at additional moisture are executed. Laws of increase in bacterial mass in soils at moisture are resulted. Values of settlement resistance for silica rock depending on parameters of resistance to shifting are defined, they are sizes of coupling and a corner of internal friction.