Experimentally the effect of adsorption and chemical properties of the metal filler (Al, Ni, Cu) on the value of the integral index of friction of lubrication tribosystem was studied. The basic relationship between the reactivity (during oxidation), hydrophobicity of the modified metal powders and tribological properties of lubricants based on them was determined.
Revealed a synergistic effect associated with an increase in anti-friction and water resistance after processing mixtures Al-powder brands PAP-2 pairs of cation active preparations alkamon and triamon. According to the acoustic method in the tribological pair with a lubricantfilled Al/(A + T), anti-friction properties than in a pair with a lubricant-filled Al/T, and Al/A. Antifriction effect is associated with stable over time water-repellent properties of Al/(A + T).
Symbate (and in some cases linear) correlation has been established between water-repelling and protective properties of currently known nanostructured and conventional paint steel coatings; the surface passivation effect in steel surface with triamon nano- undercoating has been revealed during long-term corrosion tests in industrial conditions. Nanostructured protective coatings have been developed and introduced at mining companies for the first time in the history.