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D. A. Afonin
D. A. Afonin
Petersburg State Transport University
Petersburg State Transport University


Engineering geodesy and urban cadastre
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Creation of the geodetic marking network fixed by reflective sheet

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Presents the results and findings of experimental studies of reflective characteristics for individual systems «total station – reflective sheet». For example,  the geodesic marking network at object «Construction of the 2nd stage of the Mariinsky theatre, St.-Petersburg» peculiarities of the development of geodetic marking networks, fixed reflective sheet. In particular in the framework of the method of indirect trilateration  the necessity of planning the locations of the total station (stations), the algorithm of search data stations and presents the results of the  use of this algorithm for the considered network.

How to cite: Afonin D.A. Creation of the geodetic marking network fixed by reflective sheet // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 301.
Engineering geodesy and urban cadastre
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Land measuring at substracture construction of Mariinsky theatre second stage in Saint Petersburg

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The implementation technique of land measuring at construction of Mariinsky theatre second stage in Saint Petersburg is presented. Basic steps of these works, such as designing, creation and monitoring of supporting geodetic network, land measuring at the establishment of experimental trench, land measuring at substracture construction of the theatre, precipitation and circumferential building careens supervision are investigated in detail.

How to cite: Afonin D.A., Bogomolova E.S., Bryn M.Y., Krashenitsin D.V., Sergeev O.P., Tolstov E.G. Land measuring at substracture construction of Mariinsky theatre second stage in Saint Petersburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 329.