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O. S. Krasnov
O. S. Krasnov
All-Russian Petroleum Research Exploration Institute (VNIGRI)
All-Russian Petroleum Research Exploration Institute (VNIGRI)


Rational subsurface use: theory, methodology, practice
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Technique of the accounting of inflationary processes in prospecting branch

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In the conditions of high rates of inflation it is necessary to provide comparability of expenses for the prospecting works made in different years. The technique of the accounting of inflationary processes in prospecting branch on the basis of statistical methods is developed. The technique allows to provide comparability of expenses occurring at different times for geophysical works, explorative drilling and their results in the conditions of high rates of inflation that increases reliability of planned calculations and reduces risks.

How to cite: Nazarov V.I., Krasnov O.S. Technique of the accounting of inflationary processes in prospecting branch // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 43.
Organizational and economic mechanisms of innovation development of companies in Russian mineral resources complex
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The prospects evaluation of non-ferrous and rare metals reclaiming from ash-slag dumps оf energy enterprises in Kemerovo region

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Some problem aspects of anthropogenic fields reprocessing by iron-reclaiming from ashslag waste coal accumulated by energy enterprises in Kemerovo Region are described in this article. Prospects for the use of these metals in the Kemerovo region and Siberia industry are valuated here.

How to cite: Krasnov O.S., Salikhov V.A. The prospects evaluation of non-ferrous and rare metals reclaiming from ash-slag dumps оf energy enterprises in Kemerovo region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 191.
Organizational and economic mechanisms of innovation development of companies in Russian mineral resources complex
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Economical valuation of coal fields useful coproducts

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The useful coproducts distribution patterns of hydro-carbon are described in this article.  Ways of rare metals extraction from coal and ash wastes are studied here. The economical valuation phased technique of metals in coals and ash is developed.

How to cite: Krasnov O.S., Salikhov V.A. Economical valuation of coal fields useful coproducts // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 196.
Economical problems in use of subsurface and development of the mineral resources complex
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Methodological approaches to the economic evaluation of anthropological deposits

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The prospects of anthropological deposits development for valuable non-ferrous and rare metals extraction have been proved on the basis of trends analysis of the metal mineral resource base in Russia and in the world. The classification of associated mineral  components extracted from complex ores and industrial wastes is presented. The methodological principles of economic evaluation of anthropological metal deposits are proved.

How to cite: Krasnov O.S., Salikhov V.A. Methodological approaches to the economic evaluation of anthropological deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 264.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Geological and economic assessment of valuable nonferrous and rare metals in coals of Kuzbass

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The geology-economic aspects of processing coal industry waste with recovering scarce metals from ash-slag waste in Kusbas are considered in the report. Geological, technological, and economic conditions are used as criteria for geology-economic assessment of the scarce metals according to the recommendations of UN reserve/resources classification. Based on the level of exploration, the presence of technologies for recovering scarce metals and the level of their demand, reserves of a number of scarce metals in ash-slag waste in Kuzbas can be evaluated as potentially economical, i.e. promising for recovering in short and medium-term prospect.

How to cite: Salikhov V.A., Krasnov O.S. Geological and economic assessment of valuable nonferrous and rare metals in coals of Kuzbass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 43-47.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Economic and socio-environmental feasibility of extraction of valuable non-ferrous and rare metals from coal and coal waste in Kuzbass

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The economic advisability of recovering a number of scarce metals from coal industry waste in Kuzbas is assayed. The problem of processing such waste remains urgent at present and in the future. This situation is explained by serious recession of exploration, reduction in reserve growth of mineral resources compared to their production, low profitability of many proved fields under current market conditions etc. In assessing economic advisability of recovering scarce metals from coal industry waste needs to be evaluated cost for recovering scarce metals from technogenic coal waste of specific type compared to ore deposits, correlated taxation magnitudes in developing ore deposits and coal industry waste as well as estimated ecology-economic effect of their processing.

How to cite: Krasnov O.S., Salikhov V.A. Economic and socio-environmental feasibility of extraction of valuable non-ferrous and rare metals from coal and coal waste in Kuzbass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 150-154.
Rational use of natural resources and environmental protection
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Probabilistic assessment of the impact of geological risks on the economic efficiency of oil and gas investment projects

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When determining the economic efficiency of oil and gas investment projects, the assessment of risk and reliability of decisions taken in the preparation of the mineral resource base is of great importance. Such an assessment can be obtained on the basis of a geological and mathematical model of probabilistic growth of oil and gas reserves, which is based on the composition of two distributions describing the regularities of field discovery (binomial) and obtaining a given increase in reserves (exponential, truncated Pareto distribution, b-distribution, etc.). The essence of the proposed approach is to establish quantitative correlations between reserve increments and volumes of prospecting and appraisal works with different confidence levels and to build, based on these levels, the field of geological risks.

How to cite: Krasnov O.S., Mamakhatova R.T., Aksenenko S.V., Panteleev A.V., Krylosov A.A. Probabilistic assessment of the impact of geological risks on the economic efficiency of oil and gas investment projects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 178-180.