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P. V. Berezovskii
P. V. Berezovskii
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)


Improvement of the system state control of natural resources in Russia taking into account the intensification of ...
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About methodical principles of an estimation of economic damage from pollution of an environment

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The methodical principles of an estimation of economic damage are based on two approaches to an estimation(rate) of damage from pollution of an environment:  indirect  (integrated) and by objects. The methods of definition (determination) of damage decide different problems and are various on the functionality. There is an objective problem of mining of new methodical principles of an estimation(rate) of economic damage in market conditions.

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V. About methodical principles of an estimation of economic damage from pollution of an environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 14.
Economical problems in use of subsurface and development of the mineral resources complex
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State of the art and perspectives of development of the departmental cadastres of natural resources

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The cadastre is a method of the account and estimation, which answers of modern administrative and economic conditions most of all. The analysis of the existing cadastres of natural resources demonstrates, that they do not answer new administrative and economical ratioes reshaped in Russia. Compiling the cadastre of natural resources by a territorial principle is necessary. The account of natural resources in such cadastre should conduct on plants and uniform classification units accepted for each aspect of a natural resource.

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V. State of the art and perspectives of development of the departmental cadastres of natural resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 218.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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The cadastre of secondary mineral resources аs toolkit of their system estimation

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In our time there are great problems of the fullest account and system estimate of secondary mineral resources. The cadastre is a method of the account and estimation, which answers of modern administrative and economic conditions most of all. The analysis of the existing cadastres of natural resources demonstrates, that they do not answer new administrative and economical ratioes reshaped in Russia. Compiling the cadastre of natural resources by a territorial principle is necessary. The account of natural resources in such cadastre should conduct on plants and uniform classification units accepted for each aspect of a natural resource. The cadastre of secondary mineral resources is the constituent of general cadastre. 

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V. The cadastre of secondary mineral resources аs toolkit of their system estimation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 98.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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The methodological principles of an economic estimation оf secondary mineral resources from an item of a system approach

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In the article are offered and justified the methodological principles of an economic estimation of secondary mineral resources from an item of a system approach in market conditions. The necessity of application of a system approach as theoretical basis for mining methodological principles of an economic estimation of secondary mineral resources is exhibited. The functional segments of statistical and dynamic methods are revealed at an economic estimation of secondary mineral resources.

How to cite: Berezovskiy P.V. The methodological principles of an economic estimation оf secondary mineral resources from an item of a system approach // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 213-217.
Formation of sustainable development and environmental management institutions
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Development of methodology of economic estimation of secondary mineral resources

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In the article the extreme analysis of a series of the methodological approaches to an economical estimation of secondary mineral resources applied in a domestic science is executed. The reference directions of perfecting of methodological bases of an economical estimation of secondary mineral resources are proposed. Applying an index of integrated economic benefit is justified as yardstick of an estimation of public productivity of secondary mineral resources.

How to cite: Berezovskiy P.V. Development of methodology of economic estimation of secondary mineral resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 200-204.
Economics and management
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Analysis of existing approaches and methods of environmental and economic damage assessment from environmental pollution

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It has become topical to develop new techniques to estimate cost of damage which should be created with the view of the market relations. Furthermore, a detailed quantitative estimation of physical environmental damage is also one of the primary goals. Fundamental theoretical questions connected with estimation of economic damage, its assessment and its contents, as well as application of various methodical approaches to economic assessment of natural resources taking into account international experience and specifically Russian features have been considered by many well-known economists, e.g. Gofman K.G., Hachaturov T.S., Meleshkin М.Т., Balatskiy O.F., Fedorenko N.P., Gusev A.A., Kraevaya M.I., Mints A.A., Golub A.A., Solovieva E.A., Bobylyov S.N. аnd others.

How to cite: Tkach V.E., Berezovskii P.V. Analysis of existing approaches and methods of environmental and economic damage assessment from environmental pollution // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 200-202.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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System cadastral valuation of secondary mineral resources

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In a paper is rotined, that the existing cadastres of natural resources do not answer new administrative and economical ratioes reshaped in Russia. Is drawn a conclusion, that compiling the cadastre of natural resources by a territorial principle is necessary, the constituent of such territorial cadastre will be the cadastre of secondary mineral resources. Is justified, that the indexs of the cadastre allow to realize a system estimation(rate) of secondary mineral resources with allowance of choice by the applicable yardsticks.

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V. System cadastral valuation of secondary mineral resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 36-38.
Rational use of natural resources and environmental protection
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Utilization of secondary mineral resources as a factor of resource saving

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Some aspects of the problem of resource conservation in relation to the mining complex of Russia, taking into account the experience of countries with developed market economies. The analysis of the current state of affairs in the field of utilization of secondary mineral resources is carried out. The reasons why the use of secondary mineral resources is a significant reserve of resource saving are identified and substantiated.

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V., Iseeva L.I. Utilization of secondary mineral resources as a factor of resource saving // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 147-149.
Development of underground space, economics, management
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System assessment of secondary mineral resources in the conditions of OAO Gaysky MMP

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The main types of waste from mining and metallurgical production, used for backfilling of pits and mines, backfilling of tailings dams, road ballasting, in the production of building materials, crushed stone, for the re-extraction of various components, are considered. A brief description of the Gaisky Mining and Processing Combine as an independent technogenic deposit and information on the percentage content of useful components in the accumulated wastes are given. A methodology for systematic environmental and economic cadastral evaluation of secondary mineral resources is proposed. It is proposed to evaluate secondary mineral resources from the position of the national economy (national-economic assessment) and from the position of commercial interests of the enterprise (commercial assessment). The criterion indicator, in our opinion, should be the economic effect on the national economy.

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V., Matorina O.A. System assessment of secondary mineral resources in the conditions of OAO Gaysky MMP // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 2 159. p. 135-137.
Economic and legal problems of nature conservation and environmental management
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Inventory of secondary mineral resources in the system of rational subsoil use

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At present the problems of the most complete accounting and systematic evaluation of secondary mineral resources are acute. The cadastre is a method of accounting and evaluation, which must meet modern administrative and economic conditions. Analysis of the existing cadastres of natural resources in Russia shows that they do not meet these requirements. It is necessary to make a cadastre of natural resources according to the territorial principle. Natural resources in such a cadastre must be accounted for by objects and unified classification units adopted for each type of natural resource. The cadastre of secondary mineral resources should become an integral part of the cadastre of natural resources.

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V. Inventory of secondary mineral resources in the system of rational subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 257-259.
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Антимонопольные меры в условиях рыночной экономики

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В период отхода от командно-административных методов управления экономикой в условиях нашей страны возникает экономика с преобладанием сверхмонополизированных рынков, т.е. рынков одного производителя, старающегося производить меньше, но дороже, что возможно из-за отсутствия конкурентов в определенном сегменте рынка. Поэтому большой интерес представляет практика ведущих капиталистических стран, связанная с регулированием рынка, и преж­де всего так называемое антимонопольное законодательство ...

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1995. Vol. 140. p. 69.
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Проблемы организации хозрасчетных взаимоотношений мeжду подразделениями предприятия, работающего в условиях полного хозрасчета

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Системность подхода к рассмотрению внутрихозяйственного расчета явля­ется обязательным условием выбора наиболее рациональных путей его совер­шенствования ...

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1990. Vol. 122. p. 34.
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Направления и экономическая эффективность использований вторичных минеральных ресурсов цветной металлургии (медной подотрасли)

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Проблема использования отходов является определяющей для развития безотходных производств ...

How to cite: Rodionova M.A., Berezovskii P.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1987. Vol. 114. p. 68.