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Vol 159 No 2
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System assessment of secondary mineral resources in the conditions of OAO Gaysky MMP

P. V. Berezovskii1
O. A. Matorina2
About authors
  • 1 — Associate Professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The main types of waste from mining and metallurgical production, used for backfilling of pits and mines, backfilling of tailings dams, road ballasting, in the production of building materials, crushed stone, for the re-extraction of various components, are considered. A brief description of the Gaisky Mining and Processing Combine as an independent technogenic deposit and information on the percentage content of useful components in the accumulated wastes are given. A methodology for systematic environmental and economic cadastral evaluation of secondary mineral resources is proposed. It is proposed to evaluate secondary mineral resources from the position of the national economy (national-economic assessment) and from the position of commercial interests of the enterprise (commercial assessment). The criterion indicator, in our opinion, should be the economic effect on the national economy.

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  2. Боков В.Г. Техногенные ресурсы России. Сырье для производства строительных материалов М.: Геоинформмарк, 2001.
  3. Литвиненко В.С. Возможности минерально-сырьевого потенциала России // Актуальные проблемы минерально-сырьевого комплекса: Приложение к «Запискам Горного института». СПб, 2002. № 11.
  4. Методические рекомендации по определению экономической эффективности инвестиционных проектов по отбору для финансирования / Госстрой России, Министерство экономики РФ, Министерство финансов РФ, Госкомпром России. М., 1994.
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