It is widely known that the processes of ore concentration have large part of operating costs for ore processing at the concentration plant. Often processes of crushing and grinding of raw materials account more than 70 % of the total spending. The aim of the optimal mineral processing is to decrease these costs, one solution of this problem is to preconcentrate raw material, which allows to withdraw from the further processing more than 80 % of the material, which doesn't contain valuable component, or has its dumping grade.
A new working media for drum mills has been tested, composed of spheroidal tetrahedrons. The experimental work took account of the influence of various technological and structural parameters and properties of the material being milled. Experimental data show that under equal other conditions, grinding media composed of spheroidal tetrahedrons ensures higher technological performance in the milling process compared to grinding media composed of balls.
Deviations of the shape of hydrocyclone efficiency curves from the ideal S-shape have long been reported, appearing as changes in slope, or inflections. These inflections can be divided into two categories: coarse inflections, which are caused by differences in density of the minerals being separated, and fine inflections, for which there are a number of competing hypotheses concerning their cause. The existing literature addresses either the fine inflection or the coarse inflection, but no papers have reported both types of inflection occurring at once. This paper presents hydrocyclone results from both in-plant studies and laboratory experiments that show both coarse and fine inflections and the industrial significance of both types of inflections are discussed.
The choice of liners in the cycles of disintegration is important because the effect on the grinding efficiency, overall cost and quality of the product. A variety of linings in order to increase resistance toabrasion, cutting and efficiency improvements to reduce energy consumption. The specific type of metal magnetic liners has been developed in China and is installed on more than 400 miningcompanies in China. This article describes an example installation metal magnetic liners (MML) in the company for processing iron ore «Cleveland Cliff's Northshore Mining» (USA).