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M. M. Machevariani
M. M. Machevariani
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)



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Crystal morphological and geochemical thermometry of zircons from Priamurie granites

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In terms of current research, the methodological comparison of the evolutional crystal morphological analysis and the thermodynamic approach to the zircon thermometry was carried out. The complex application of the both methods is the most appropriate to assess the thermal evolution of the granites. The main features of the thermal evolution in granites of the Verkhneurmiysky massif were revealed. The obtained trends of the thermal evolution confirms the existing conception of the geological evolution of the Badzhalskaya volcanic zone.

How to cite: Machevariani M.M., Alekseev V.I. Crystal morphological and geochemical thermometry of zircons from Priamurie granites // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 206. p. 40.
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Typomorfic features of the zircon from Verchneurmijsky granite massif (Priamurye)

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Having used electron microscopy permits and microanalysis systems researched typomorphic features of the zircons from Verchneurmijsky granite massif in Priamurye. Crosscutting study of the zircon crystal morphology and ultimate  composition  to predict peculiar  properties of mineragenesis conditions and afford opportunity to draw sharp disjunction of zircon features from different intrusive phases. Features of the zircons can be used at regional partition of intrusive formations and searches of rare-metal granites.

How to cite: Machevariani M.M., Alekseev V.I. Typomorfic features of the zircon from Verchneurmijsky granite massif (Priamurye) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 14.