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Vol 196
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Typomorfic features of the zircon from Verchneurmijsky granite massif (Priamurye)

M. M. Machevariani1
V. I. Alekseev2
About authors
  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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Having used electron microscopy permits and microanalysis systems researched typomorphic features of the zircons from Verchneurmijsky granite massif in Priamurye. Crosscutting study of the zircon crystal morphology and ultimate  composition  to predict peculiar  properties of mineragenesis conditions and afford opportunity to draw sharp disjunction of zircon features from different intrusive phases. Features of the zircons can be used at regional partition of intrusive formations and searches of rare-metal granites.

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