The software for the control of capacitance structures parameters on the basis of electrostatic field power action use
2012 T. R. Akchurin, N. S. Pshchelko, V. V. Buevich
Distribution of rare earth elements in ores Elov and Buructal supergene nickel deposits
2012 A. G. Pilyugin, I. V. Talovina, N. I. Vorontsova, S. O. Ryzhkova, O. P. Mezentseva
Adsorption and its influence on the mechanism of alumina liquor precipitation
2012 V. V. Radko, V. N. Brichkin, N. V. Nikolaeva, E. E. Gordyushenkov
The discourse of controversion on television (linguistic and cultural aspects)
2012 M. S. Glushkova
Determination basic parameters backwall electro-parogeneratora for thermal influences on prizaboynuyu area layers withvvn
2012 N. S. Gubar
Projecting peculiarities and experimens interpretation of testing in heterogeneous aquifer system on the example of diamond deposits named by V.Grib
2012 Yu. A. Novatorov, I. B. Petrova, A. V. Yashina