The statistic analysis for the purpose of receiving the influence of significant factors on the cost of the land for individual housing construction in Saint Petersburg is made. The result model contains factors of transport accessibility, ecological factors and engineering infrastruc-ture factors. According to the results of regression analysis is calculated the value of hundred square meters of land in Levashovo village of Vyborg district of Saint Petersburg, are made suggestions for calculating the coefficients of differentiation.
The analysis of the well-known analytic hierarchy process by T.Saati and identified a number of its shortcomings. Proposals are made to improve the methods of processing the original matrix, obtained from an expert. The proposed method is based on checking the consistency of the numerical and transitive matrix experts.
Have done the analysis of foreign experience of integrating environmental factors on the basis of which marked ecological groups of factors in the context of European Valuation Standards. Analysis of evaluation methods of land in the Russian Federation and techniques of the state cadastral valuation of land settlements showed the lack of descriptions of the accounting several ecological factors. In addition, validated the set of the above-mentioned factors that may affect on the market price of land for individual housing construction.