Processing technology of pairwise comparisons at the peer review
About authors
- 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
The analysis of the well-known analytic hierarchy process by T.Saati and identified a number of its shortcomings. Proposals are made to improve the methods of processing the original matrix, obtained from an expert. The proposed method is based on checking the consistency of the numerical and transitive matrix experts.
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- Саати Т. Принятие решений при зависимостях и обратных связях: Аналитические сети: Пер. с англ./ Под ред. А.В.Андрейчикова, О.Н.Андрейчикова. М.:Изд-во ЛКИ, 2008. 360 с.
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