Substantiation of parameters of the roof bolting for concrete service conditions
2013 A. I. Chavkin
Classification and methods of the accounting of investment risks of oil and gas projects
2013 O. A. Marinina
Problems of supporting preparatory excavation on Starobin deposits at great depths
2013 Yu. G. Sirenko, N. V. Tarakanov
Choice of design decisions on development of fields taking into account results of geodynamic division into districts and geometrizations of dangerous zones
2013 A. N. Shabarov, V. V. Zubkov, N. V. Krotov, A. A. Podosenov, N. A. Marshak
The improvement of an assessment of production potential in mining
2013 S. A. Sidorenko, A. A. Sidorenko
Role G.N.Kuznetsov and A.A.Borisov in the development of modeling technigues in mining geomechanics
2013 V. A. Padukov