Main research results of scientific school «Development of deposits of solid minerals» in open cast mining
2013 G. A. Kholodnyakov
Purposes of numerical experiment in rock mechanics
2013 E. R. Kovalskii
Mechanisms of ensuring complex development of mineral deposits
2013 M. A. Nevskaya, D. N. Ligotskii
Realization of the mechanism of concession agreements in the Russian Federation
2013 Yu. V. Lyubek
Rationale management regime on the companies who develop small deposits
2013 Yu. G. Roslavtsev, V. P. Fedorko
Ways for providng safety in designing of intensive coal mining at the Kuznetsk basin
2013 A. N. Shabarov, S. V. Tsirel, E. P. Yutyaev, A. I. Paltsev