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Energy industry
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Determination of the grid impedance in power consumption modes with harmonics

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The paper investigates the harmonic impedance determination of the power supply system of a mining enterprise. This parameter is important when calculating modes with voltage distortions, since the determined parameters of harmonic currents and voltages significantly depend on its value, which allow the most accurate modeling of processes in the presence of distortions in voltage and current. The power supply system of subsurface mining is considered, which is characterized by a significant branching of the electrical network and the presence of powerful nonlinear loads leading to a decrease in the power quality at a production site. The modernization of the mining process, the integration of automated electrical drive systems, renewable energy sources, energy-saving technologies lead to an increase in the energy efficiency of production, but also to a decrease in the power quality, in particular, to an increase in the level of voltage harmonics. The problem of determining the grid harmonic impedance is solved in order to improve the quality of design and operation of power supply systems for mining enterprises, taking into account the peculiarities of their workload in the extraction of solid minerals by underground method. The paper considers the possibility of determining the grid impedance based on the measurement of non-characteristic harmonics generated by a special nonlinear load. A thyristor power controller based on phase regulation of the output voltage is considered as such a load. Simulation computer modeling and experimental studies on a laboratory test bench are used to confirm the proposed method. The recommendations for selecting load parameters and measuring device connection nodes have been developed.

How to cite: Skamyin A.N., Dobush V.S., Jopri M.H. Determination of the grid impedance in power consumption modes with harmonics // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 261. p. 443-454. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.25
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Installation for experimental research of multiphase electromechanical systems

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The subject of this study is an installation for experimental research designed to study the characteristics and control algorithms of multiphase motors with the number of working phases from 3 to 8, connected by a star, a triangle, or in another way, allowing phase currents to flow, creating a rotating electromagnetic field. The installation consists of two separate independent units: a controller, or a human-machine control interface, and a power inverter module (converter). The controller is connected to the converter by a two-wire half-duplex interface (RS485) via the Modbus RTU communication protocol. The installation also includes synchronous motors with the number of phases 3, 5, 7. Using the developed installation for experimental research, it is possible to carry out experimental studies of multiphase motors when implementing various control algorithms for a converter that implements pulse-width vector modulation. The time required to implement control algorithms is minimal. According to the results of the experiments, it is possible to carry out a comparative analysis of multiphase motors in terms of energy efficiency, in terms of vibration of electromagnetic origin, in dynamic parameters. An experimental assessment of the load of the converter keys is possible. The created installation is an effective tool for checking the reliability of the results of theoretical studies of electromechanical systems based on multiphase motors.

How to cite: Tereshkin V.M., Grishin D.A., Makulov I.A. Installation for experimental research of multiphase electromechanical systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 240. p. 678-685. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.6.678
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Application of automation systems for monitoring and energy efficiency accounting indicators of mining enterprises compressor facility operation

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The balance of electricity consumption a significant part is occupied by the production of compressed air at the mining enterprises. Many compressor stations of enterprises are equipped with automated parameter management systems that allow reliable, uninterrupted and safe operation of the compressor facilities. But the majority of automation systems at compressor stations do not perform the function of monitoring the energy efficiency indicators of the operation of a compressor station. The article discusses the issue of including compressed air flow sensors (flow meters) in an automated control system of a compressor station, which allows you to control the production of compressed air and the consumption of electrical energy for its production. Monitoring and recording of these parameters makes it possible, using microprocessor technology, to control one of the main indicators of energy efficiency – the specific energy consumption for producing one cubic meter of compressed air, determine how efficiently the compressor station works, and take appropriate measures to reduce specific energy consumption in time. . The use of additional functions of automated control and monitoring systems will allow the development and application of energy-saving measures aimed at improving the energy efficiency of the enterprise, which will lead to a reduction in the cost of finished products and increase their competitiveness

How to cite: Ugolnikov A.V., Makarov N.V. Application of automation systems for monitoring and energy efficiency accounting indicators of mining enterprises compressor facility operation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 236. p. 245-248. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.2.245
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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The physical breadboard model of dynamically counterbalanced drilling string with swinging movement with the asynchronous electric drive powered by inverter laboratory experimental researche

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The laboratory experimental stand for research of the asynchronous resonant electric drive on a physical breadboard model of dynamically counterbalanced drilling string is developed. The asynchronous electric drive with swinging movement the autoresonant oscillation mode is realized.

How to cite: Ivanik V.V. The physical breadboard model of dynamically counterbalanced drilling string with swinging movement with the asynchronous electric drive powered by inverter laboratory experimental researche // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 99-102.