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Vol 145

Vol 144
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On the necessity of a new government policy in the field of minerals and metals

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Russia is one of the world leaders in the exploration of natural resources. It is a leading exporter of natural re­sources in the world and the mining industry plays an important role in the economic and social spheres of Rus­sian society. The continuing recession in production of natural resources and the deterioration of mineral re­source supplies adversely affects Russian enterprises. Most of the mining equipment in the country is falling into disrepair and no measures are being taken to replenish these supplies all of which contributes to a less favorable investment climate. This can lead to a situation where a world leader in natural resource production will practically lose control over effective usage of these resources. The objective of this paper is to stress the ne­cessity of immediately changing the State's approach to management of natural resources and of adopting a state governmental policy on management of natural resources. A strategy of sustainable development in the Russian economy requires an immediate change in the existing attitudes to problems related to raw materials along both economic and social lines, both as relates to our goals and the required effort to reach them.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S. On the necessity of a new government policy in the field of minerals and metals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 3-13.
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Resource provision of the FEC in Russia

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The author analyzes the structure and balance of Russia's power industry. The fact that usage of natural gas dominates in the region of the world's largest coal resources is noted. Concrete recommendations are given for the development of the resource supply of the Russian raw materials industry with the expansion, in par­ticular, of prospecting and exploitation of mineral deposits of uranic ore.

How to cite: Shelepov V.V. Resource provision of the FEC in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 14-18.
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On the concept of tax reform in the mineral raw materials complex in Russia

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The authors analyze the present tax system in the mining industry. They show the percentage of the Russian Federation budget which is provided by the mining industry's tax payments. The article explores the shortcomings of the tax system in the raw minerals industry of the country. The article notes that the Russian Federation tax system generally has a fiscal character and requires reformation into a taxation system, which would provide economic stimulation. A tax reform plan, which introduces the concept of 'rent [1] into the Russian mining industry's tax burden, has been proposed. Special attention is paid to the stimulating role of taxation on production in the mining industry.

How to cite: Soloviova E.A., Zubkov V.A. On the concept of tax reform in the mineral raw materials complex in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 19-29.
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On the problem of state regulation of the mineral raw materials complex

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The article deals with the theoretical, methodological and practical issues of governmental regulation during the economy's transition to a market economy. Objects, subjects, purposes and mediums of state control are shown. Scope, methods, forms and procedures of governmental regulation in the mining industry are shown as well.

How to cite: Scherbakov L.A. On the problem of state regulation of the mineral raw materials complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 30-38.
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Mineral resources policy and national security of Russia

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A detailed analysis of the present-day condition of the mineral resource base of the country has been presented by kinds of strategically important raw materials, with the account of market conjuncture and situation in the mining industry and geological prospecting. A common tendency has been emphasized in the development of the mineral resource complex - the reserves of all kinds of mineral resources are depleting, the retirement of reserves is not compensated by their growth due to a sharp reduction of exploration works. An important role of the mineral resource potential has been marked as a foundation for the economic development of Russia, its national security, geopolitical situation and role in the world community. Priorities are considered for a strategy of using the country's mineral resource base.

How to cite: Kozlovsky E.A. Mineral resources policy and national security of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 39-56.
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Improving the management of the FEC enterprise by coordinating objectives

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Analysis of the forecast of the internal demand for power resources in the region must be based on the as­sessment of energy consumption per person and internal energy consumption per area and per sector. The target rates of the fuel and power industries shall be determined quantitatively. Decisions related to the form­ing and setting of targets shall be based on the forecast data and results of the model calculations. When management is founded upon coordination and target setting for the enterprise manager, strategic goals set­ting such as the improvement of personnel organization and encouragement shall achieve a substantive qualitative dimension.

How to cite: Kazachenkov V.Z. Improving the management of the FEC enterprise by coordinating objectives // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 57-63.
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Economic strategy of Gazprom enterprises during the formation of an optimal ratio energy prices

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The 'Gazprom' family of companies supplies most of the natural gas in Russia and occupies a main role in the Russian energy industry. The current economic situation has forced 'Gazprom' to develop its own strate­gic management in a way that both differs from the strategic management used in command economies and free-market economies. In the current conditions only the intervention of the government in the economic sphere of activity fosters competitive order. The companies are to take an active part in realizing govern­mental programs and participating in tenders for government orders. At the same time, however, active pro­motion of its goods and services on the market is necessary. When forming the new energy strategy, it is planned to establish an optimal ratio between coal, natural gas and fuel oil. In such conditions, companies of the same industry will take part in a continually growing rivalry with companies of other energy industries, as each industry will produce competitive substitutes.

How to cite: Oleschuk N.I. Economic strategy of Gazprom enterprises during the formation of an optimal ratio energy prices // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 64-68.
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Strategical management at the level of a large interregional company

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Strategies developed by the 'Mezhregiongas Company' with respect to gas supply to the end-user must be sufficiently flexible and able to meet demand in correspondence with the requirements of the market in any and every region. Under current conditions, the company must capitalize on all authorized market mechanisms seeking payment for gas deliveries and define its obligations to re­gional budgets by the conclusion of agreements between the company's branches and subjects of the Russian Federation. Therefore, in order to strengthen its influence and position on the heating market, the company must develop the maximum-feasible, closed-loop production system for the de­livery of gas to its clients (including possession of low-pressure networks). In addition, it is necessary to support a continuous gas supply to regions where the company has strategic interests.

How to cite: Bezrukova M.A. Strategical management at the level of a large interregional company // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 69-74.
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Efficiency of enhanced oil recovery at Russian oil fields

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In the present economic situation, it is extremely important for Russia to make oil production as ef­fective as possible, especially in complicated conditions by introducing state-of-the-art technologies thereby increasing oil yield. Despite various examples of the successful application of new technolo­gies in horizontal drilling, hydraulic fracturing, water flooding and the hydrodynamic, physio-chemical and thermal methods, for example, by 'Surgutneftegaz', the oil yield in Russia is generally rather low. This is because we do not have a systematic approach to the problems of oil production and intro­duce advanced technologies too slowly. It is imperative that we, without delay, put into operation computer-aided models of field exploration using domestic potential and specialists.

How to cite: Bogdanov V.L. Efficiency of enhanced oil recovery at Russian oil fields // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 75-84.
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POLYUS gold mining company as part of the gold mining industry in Russia

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The article gives the latest statistical information on the production and consumption of gold and on the gold currency reserves of the world's leading countries. The role of gold in the international economy and the expediency of using the gold standard are discussed. The article discusses the progressive and advanced experience of gold extraction company 'Polus' concerning the working of gold deposits in complicated conditions while working under the world's lowest production costs. The article also de­scribes methods to stimulate the development of Russia's gold industry.

How to cite: Sovmen K.M. POLYUS gold mining company as part of the gold mining industry in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 85-92.
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Use of energy resources in regions with a forest fund (the example of the Leningrad Region)

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The rational use of large quantities of low-quality timber and timber waste, which are being used as fuel for power plants and boilers instead of fuel oil and coal is a considerable factor in saving on imported, non­renewable natural resources thereby decreasing the cost of heating as well as improving the state of the en­vironment in the region.

How to cite: Benin A.A. Use of energy resources in regions with a forest fund (the example of the Leningrad Region) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 93-98.
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Analysis of technical aspects of deepwater pipeline projects from a risk perspective

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The article discusses the possible technological risks involved in the construction, operation and repair of the shallow depth portion of the proposed gas pipeline in the 'Blue Stream Project This is a proposed project to build a pipeline, which is to extend from Russia to Turkey along the bottom of the Black Sea.

How to cite: Vyakhirev Y.R. Analysis of technical aspects of deepwater pipeline projects from a risk perspective // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 99-107.
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Medical aspects of the macroeconomics of the gas industry in the Far North

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The article focuses on the peculiarities and specifics of social welfare provisions for those employed in the development and exploitation of oil and gas deposits in the Far North.

How to cite: Okhotnikov S.V., Burlakov S.D. Medical aspects of the macroeconomics of the gas industry in the Far North // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 108-112.