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Vol 242

Vol 241
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Petrographic structures and Hardy – Weinberg equilibrium

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The article is devoted to the most narrative side of modern petrography – the definition, classification and nomenclature of petrographic structures. We suggest a mathematical formalism using the theory of quadratic forms (with a promising extension to algebraic forms of the third and fourth orders) and statistics of binary (ternary and quaternary, respectively) intergranular contacts in a polymineralic rock. It allows constructing a complete classification of petrographic structures with boundaries corresponding to Hardy – Weinberg equilibria. The algebraic expression of the petrographic structure is the canonical diagonal form of the symmetric probability matrix of binary intergranular contacts in the rock. Each petrographic structure is uniquely associated with a structural indicatrix – the central quadratic surface in n-dimensional space, where n is the number of minerals composing the rock. Structural indicatrix is an analogue of the conoscopic figure used for optical recognition of minerals. We show that the continuity of changes in the organization of rocks (i.e., the probabilities of various intergranular contacts) does not contradict a dramatic change in the structure of the rocks, neighboring within the classification. This solved the problem, which seemed insoluble to A.Harker and E.S.Fedorov. The technique was used to describe the granite structures of the Salminsky pluton (Karelia) and the Akzhailau massif (Kazakhstan) and is potentially applicable for the monotonous strata differentiation, section correlation, or wherever an unambiguous, reproducible determination of petrographic structures is needed. An important promising task of the method is to extract rocks' genetic information from the obtained data.

How to cite: VOYTEKHOVSKY Y.L., ZAKHAROVA A.A. Petrographic structures and Hardy – Weinberg equilibrium // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 133. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.133
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Composition and probable ore igneous rocks source of columbite from alluvial deposits of Mayoko district (Republic of the Congo)

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The article presents the results of optical, electron microscopic and electron microprobe studies of columbite group minerals, collected during heavy mineral concentrate sampling of alluvial deposits in the Mayoko region (Republic of the Congo). The aim of the study is revealing tantalum niobates ore body in this region. We found that these minerals in loose deposits are represented by two grain-size groups: less than 1.6 mm (fine fraction) and 1.6-15 mm (coarse fraction). The grains of both fractions belong mainly to columbite-(Fe), less often to columbite-(Mn), tantalite-(Mn) and tantalite-(Fe), contain impurities of Sc, Ti, and W. The crystals have micro-scaled zoning (zones varies slightly in the Ta/Nb ratio values) and contains a lot of mineral inclusions and veins represented by zircon, pyrochlore supergroup minerals and others. Columbite-(Fe) and columbite-(Mn) are characterized by an increased content of Ta 2 O 5 up to the transition to tantalite-(Fe) and tantalite-(Mn). This allows us to exclude the formation of subalkaline rare-metal granites, their metasomatites (albitites and greisenes) and carbonatites, from the list of possible columbite ore rocks source in the Mayoko district. Thus, beryl type and complex spodumene subtype rare-element pegmatites of the mixed petrogenetic family LCT-NYF (according to P.Černý) should be considered as a probable root source. The results of the research should be taken into account when developing the methodology for prospecting in this area.

How to cite: MATONDO I.P.L., IVANOV M.A. Composition and probable ore igneous rocks source of columbite from alluvial deposits of Mayoko district (Republic of the Congo) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 139. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.139
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Composition of spherules and lower mantle minerals, isotopic and geochemical characteristics of zircon from volcaniclastic facies of the Mriya lamproite pipe

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The article presents the results of studying the rocks of the pyroclastic facies of the Mriya lamproite pipe, located on the Priazovsky block of the Ukrainian shield. In them the rock's mineral composition includes a complex of exotic mineral particles formed under extreme reduction mantle conditions: silicate spherules, particles of native metals and intermetallic alloys, oxygen-free minerals such as diamond, qusongite (WC), and osbornite (TiN). The aim of the research is to establish the genesis of volcaniclastic rocks and to develop ideas of the highly deoxidized mantle mineral association (HRMMA), as well as to conduct an isotopic and geochemical study of zircon. As a result, groups of minerals from different sources are identified in the heavy fraction: HRMMA can be attributed to the juvenile magmatic component of volcaniclastic rocks; a group of minerals and xenoliths that can be interpreted as xenogenic random material associated with mantle nodules destruction (hornblendite, olivinite and dunite xenoliths), intrusive lamproites (tremolite-hornblende) and crystalline basement rocks (zircon, hornblende, epidote, and granitic xenoliths). The studied volcaniclastic rocks can be defined as intrusive pyroclastic facies (tuffisites) formed after the lamproites intrusion. Obviously, the HRMMA components formed under extreme reducing conditions at high temperatures, which are characteristic of the transition core-mantle zone. Thus, we believe that the formation of primary metal-silicate HRMMA melts is associated with the transition zone D".

How to cite: YATSENKO I.G., SKUBLOV S.G., LEVASHOVA E.V., GALANKINA O.L., BEKESHA S.N. Composition of spherules and lower mantle minerals, isotopic and geochemical characteristics of zircon from volcaniclastic facies of the Mriya lamproite pipe // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 150. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.150
Oil and gas
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Assessment of internal pressure effect, causing additional bending of the pipeline

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Article justifies accounting for internal pressure effect in the pipeline, causing additional bending of the pipeline. According to some scientists, there is an erroneously used concept of the equivalent longitudinal axial force (ELAF) S x , which depends on working pressure, temperature stresses, and joint deformations of pipelines with various types of soils. However, authors of the article use ELAF S x concept at construction of mathematical model of stress-strain state (SSS) for complex section of the trunk pipeline, and also reveal it when analyzing the results of calculating the durability and stability of the pipeline. Analysis of SSS for calculated section of the pipeline was carried out for two statements of the problem for different values of operation parameters. In the first statement, effect of internal pressure causing bending of the pipeline is taken into account, and in the second it is neglected. It is shown that due to effect of ELAF S x at p 0 = 9.0 MPa, Dt = 29 °C extreme value of bend increases by 54 %, extreme values of bending stresses from span bending moment increase by 74 %, and extreme value of bending stresses from support bending moment double with regard to corresponding SSS characteristics of the pipeline. In case of neglecting the internal pressure effect causing additional bending of the pipeline (second statement of the problem), error in calculating the extreme value of bend is 35 %, extreme value of bending stresses from span bending moments is 44 %, and extreme value of bending stresses from support bending moments is 95 %.

How to cite: BAKTIZIN R.N., ZARIPOV R.M., KOROBKOV G.E., MASALIMOV R.B. Assessment of internal pressure effect, causing additional bending of the pipeline // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 160. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.160
Oil and gas
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Study of the well near-bottomhole zone permeability during treatment by process fluids

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In the process of drilling-in productive horizons, several irreversible physical and chemical processes take place in the near-wellbore zone of the formation: stress state of the rocks changes, penetration of the filtrate and solid phase, as well as drilling mud into the reservoir, and swelling of clay particles of intergranular cementing material are observed. As a result, permeability of productive horizon is significantly reduced and, consequently, potential inflow of oil or gas from formation is excluded. An equally serious problem exists during well servicing and workover, when the use of irrational fluids of well killing causes negative consequences associated with deterioration of reservoir properties of formations in the wells being repaired. Article presents the results of the experiments on permeability of clayed porous samples after exposure to various compositions of liquids. In order to increase permeability of near-borehole zone of the formation and increase productivity of wells completed by drilling, and after well servicing and workover, a composition of the process fluid containing a 15 % aqueous solution of oxyethylene diphosphonic acid (OEDA) with addition of a surfactant is proposed.

How to cite: ROGOV E.A. Study of the well near-bottomhole zone permeability during treatment by process fluids // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 169. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.169
Oil and gas
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Development of spacer fluids and cement slurries compositions for lining of wells at high temperatures

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Article is devoted to creation of new compositions of process solutions for lining of directional wells at high temperatures. Developed compositions provide high durability characteristics of cement stone. It is shown that with an increase in packing density of cementing slurry components durability characteristics increase and porosity and permeability of cement stone decrease, whereas an increase in temperature and pressure leads to a significant increase in compressive and bending durability, which is associated with presence of quartz in them. It has been established that introduction of special structure-forming additives to the composition of developed cementing solutions allows formation of sedimentation-resistant cement systems that can provide an increase in durability characteristics of cement stone and, in general, quality lining of directional wells. Study of rheological properties of developed cementing compositions showed that the systems have high yield strength at increased temperatures and pressures. Developed compositions of water-based spacer fluids increase the cleansing degree for both casing and rocks surfaces from mud and clay cake residues, which improves the cementing quality of oil and gas wells. Mechanism for increasing the washing ability of spacer fluids and durability characteristics of cement stone, depending on composition and properties of their constituent components, is disclosed.

How to cite: TABATABAEE MORADI S.S., NIKOLAEV N.I., NIKOLAEVA T.N. Development of spacer fluids and cement slurries compositions for lining of wells at high temperatures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 174. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.174
Oil and gas
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Development of mathematical models to control the technological properties of cement slurries

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Oil and gas producing enterprises are making increasingly high demands on well casing quality, including the actual process of injection and displacement of cement slurry, taking into account requirements for the annular cement level, eliminating possible hydraulic fracturing, with developing a hydraulic cementing program. It is necessary to prevent deep invasion of cement slurry filtrate into the formation to exclude bridging of productive layers. It is impossible to fulfill all these requirements at the same time without application of modifying additives; complex cement compositions are being developed and applied more often. Furthermore, need to adjust cement slurries recipes appears for almost every particular well. In order to select and justify cement slurries recipes and their prompt adjustment, taking into account requirements of well construction project, as well as geological and technical conditions for cementing casing strings, mathematical models of the main technological properties of cement slurries for cementing production casing strings in the Perm Region were developed. Analysis of the effect of polycarboxylic plasticizer (Pl) and a filtration reducer (fluid loss additive) based on hydroxyethyl cellulose (FR) on plastic viscosity (V), spreadability (S) and filtration (F) of cement slurries is conducted. Development of mathematical models is performed according to more than 90 measurements.

How to cite: CHERNYSHOV S.E., GALKIN V.I., ULYANOVA Z.V., Macdonald D.I. Development of mathematical models to control the technological properties of cement slurries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 179. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.179
Metallurgy and concentration
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Chemical heterogeneity as a factor of improving the strength of steels manufactured by selective laser melting technology

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The aim of this paper was to establish the causes of the heterogeneity of the chemical composition of the metal obtained by the LC technology. The powdered raw material was made from a monolithic alloy, which was fused by the SLM, the initial raw material was a laboratory melting metal of a low-carbon chromium-manganese-nickel composition based on iron. To determine the distribution pattern of alloying chemical elements in the resulting powder, electron-microscopic images of thin sections were combined with X-ray analysis data on the cross-sections of the powder particles. As a result, it was found that transition (Mn, Ni) and heavy (Mo) metals are uniformly distributed over the powder particle cross-sections, and the mass fraction of silicon (Si) is uneven: in the center of the particles, it is several times larger in some cases. The revealed feature in the distribution of silicon is supposedly due to the formation of various forms of SiO 4 upon the cooling of the formed particles. The internal structure of the manufactured powder is represented by the martensitic structure of stack morphology. After laser fusion, etched thin sections revealed traces of segregation heterogeneity in the form of a grid with cells of ~ 200 μm.

How to cite: ALEKSEEV V.I., BARAKHTIN B.К., ZHUKOV A.S. Chemical heterogeneity as a factor of improving the strength of steels manufactured by selective laser melting technology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 191. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.191
Metallurgy and concentration
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Research of lithium sorption by KU-2-8 cation exchanger from model solutions simulating geothermal fluids in the dynamic mode

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The extraction of chemical compounds from hydromineral raw materials is currently a promising objective. The geothermal deposits in the Kamchatka Territory should be considered as possible sources of lithium, boron and other chemical compounds. Their economic efficiency is justified by the complexity of the use of resources of geothermal fluids. The article presents data obtained as a result of experimental studies of lithium sorption by KU-2-8 cation exchanger from model solutions that simulate geothermal fluids in the dynamic mode. It was shown that in the first phase of sorption, ion exchange results in the absorption of lithium and sodium ions by the hydrogen form of cation exchanger up to the degree of cation exchanger saturation by 78 %. After that, the displacement of lithium ions by sodium ions is observed. The intermediate solutions were obtained in which the molar ratio of Li/Na is 80 times higher than in the initial solution. To separate sodium and lithium, it is proposed to use the lithium form of cation exchanger obtained using a portion of lithium chloride concentrate. The separation occurs due to the displacement of lithium ions by sodium ions. The effluent has a molar ratio of Li/Na = 10.4. The regeneration is carried out with 1 n hydrochloric acid, while the concentration coefficient of sodium chloride equals three.

How to cite: BELOVA T.P., RATCHINA T.I. Research of lithium sorption by KU-2-8 cation exchanger from model solutions simulating geothermal fluids in the dynamic mode // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 197. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.197
Metallurgy and concentration
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Flotation extraction of elemental sulfur from gold-bearing cakes

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Currently, in the development of the raw materials base of the gold mining industry, there is a tendency to reduce the quality of the initial mineral raw materials due to the depletion of reserves of rich gold-bearing ores. The article discusses the technology of extraction of refractory gold-bearing concentrates based on low-temperature leaching of pyrite concentrate. A decrease in the parameters of the autoclave oxidation of sulfide minerals, such as pyrite and arsenopyrite, leads to the incomplete extraction of gold into the solution and, consequently, its losses during subsequent cyanidation. As a possible option for a more complete extraction of gold using low-temperature oxidation technology, a method of flotation separation of elemental sulfur from leaching cakes is proposed. According to the basic process flow chart, the flotation process designed for gold extraction is carried out after autoclave oxidation, but before cyanidation. A series of experiments were carried out with varying reagent conditions and the dependence of gold losses on the extraction of elemental sulfur in the flotation tailings was established. As determining factors, pH and solid content in the initial pulp were considered. The paper justifies the separation of elemental sulfur from autoclave cake to enriched sulfur concentrate. The cake flotation modes after autoclave oxidative leaching of pyrite concentrate are investigated. The distribution of elemental sulfur and gold by flotation products makes it possible to conduct the tailings cyanidation process with acceptable indicators.

How to cite: IVANIK S.A., ILYUKHIN D.A. Flotation extraction of elemental sulfur from gold-bearing cakes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 202. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.202
Metallurgy and concentration
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Sorption of nickel (II) and manganese (II) ions from aqueous solutions

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Mine water from non-ferrous metal deposits is often contaminated with nickel and manganese ions. The entry of these ions, especially nickel, into surface waters and underground aquifers is undesirable since it has a negative effect on living organisms and worsens the condition of drinking water sources. One of the promising methods for selectively extracting nickel ions and obtaining an eluate suitable for further use is sorption by weakly acid cation exchangers with chelate groups of iminodiacetic acid. As part of the study, sorption isotherms of nickel and manganese ions by Lewatit MonoPlus TP 207 cation exchanger in mono- and bicomponent systems were obtained. In monocomponent systems, the maximum static exchange capacity (SEC) of the cation exchanger for nickel ions is 952 mmol/dm 3 , and in bicomponent systems – 741 mmol/dm 3 ; for manganese ions– 71 mmol/dm 3 and 49 mmol/dm 3 , respectively. It is obvious that the studied cation exchanger has a greater capacity for nickel ions than for manganese ions. The influence of a temperature increase from 300 to 330 K on the sorption of nickel and manganese ions was established: in monocomponent systems, the maximum degree of extraction of the former increases from 65 to 77 % (SEC from 337 to 399 mmol/dm 3 ), and the latter from 21 to 35 % (SEC – from 140 to 229 mmol/dm 3 ); in bicomponent systems, the extraction of nickel ions increases from 59 to 78 % (SEC – from 307 to 429 mmol/dm 3 ), and manganese ions decreases from 20 to 17 % (SEC – from 164 to 131 mmol/dm 3 ). The predominant increase in the indicators is due to the filling of the sorption centers of the ion-exchange resins, which are energetically unfavorable for the exchange of counterions at a lower temperature. The influence of the pH of the solution on sorption was determined: the intensification of the process for nickel ions is observed in the pH range of 8.0-8.5 in a monocomponent solution and 8.0-9.0 in a bicomponent solution, for manganese ions in the range of 8.0-9.5 in both cases. The increase in the degree of extraction of ions and the exchange capacity of the ion exchanger with increasing pH is associated with the appearance of singly charged hydroxocations, dissociation of the functional groups of the sorbent and, to some extent, with the subsequent formation of insoluble forms of nickel and manganese. However, with increasing pH, a decrease in the selectivity of nickel extraction is observed: the ion separation coefficient decreases from 14.0 to 6.0 in the pH range of 6.0-11.0.

How to cite: KURDIUMOV V.R., TIMOFEEV K.L., MALTSEV G.I., LEBED A.B. Sorption of nickel (II) and manganese (II) ions from aqueous solutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 209. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.209
Metallurgy and concentration
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Studies of enrichment of sulfide and oxidized ores of gold deposits of the Aldan shield

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The paper presents the analysis of studies of the enrichment of sulfide and oxidized ores in Yakutia deposits. The ore of the deposit is a mixture of primary, mixed and oxidized ores. The main useful component of the studied ore samples is gold with a content of 1.5 to 2.8 g/t, the silver content is low – 5-17 g/t. Ore minerals are represented by sulfides, among which pyrite predominates. The total sulfide content does not exceed 3-5 %. The presence in the ore of free and associated gold with a grain size from fractions of a micron to 1.5 mm. Gold is represented by nuggets in intergrowth with sulfides and also forms independent inclusions. Ores are classified as easily cyanidable. It was found that the content of amalgamable gold is 10-49, the share of cyanidable gold ranges from 66.67-91, the share of refractory gold is 9.0-33.33 %, which in absolute amount equals to 0.24-0.8 g/t. The extraction of gold in gravitation concentrate varies depending on the gold content in the ore and the yield of concentrate and for ores with a gold content of 1.5-2.8 g/t from 40 to 60 %. The direct cyanidation of all studied ore samples established the possibility of extracting gold into solution up to 86.7-92.9 %, the gold content in cyanidation cakes is 0.2-0.3 g/t. Investigations of the gravitation concentrate by the method of intensive cyanidation showed that with an initial gold content of ~ 500 g/t, up to 98.9 % is extracted into the solution. The gold content in intensive cyanide cakes will be 6-15 g/t. A set of studies carried out by the authors of the article at various institutes showed that it is advisable to process ore from the deposit using cyanidation technology with preliminary gravitational extraction of gold.

How to cite: FEDOTOV P.K., SENCHENKO A.E., FEDOTOV K.V., BURDONOV A.E. Studies of enrichment of sulfide and oxidized ores of gold deposits of the Aldan shield // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 218. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.218
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Promising model range career excavators operating time assessment in real operating conditions

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The development prospects of the mining industry are closely related to the state and development of modern mining machinery and equipment that meet the technical and quality requirements of mining enterprises. Enterprises are focused on a quantitative assessment – the volume of mineral extraction, depending on the functioning efficiency of a promising series of mining machines, which include modern mining excavators. Downtime and unplanned shutdowns of mining excavators directly depend on the operating conditions of the mining machine, which has negative influence on the machine as a whole and its technical condition, which entails a decrease in the efficiency of using expensive mining equipment and economic losses of the mining enterprise. The rationale for external factors that affect the operating time and technical condition of mining excavators is given. For a more detailed assessment of the influence of external influences on the efficiency of operation of mining machines, the influencing factors are divided into two groups: ergatic, directly related to human participation, and factors of a natural-technogenic nature, where human participation is minimized. It was revealed that factors of a natural-technogenic nature have the greatest influence. An algorithm is proposed for a comprehensive assessment of the technical condition and forecasting of operating time both in nominal and in real operating conditions, taking into account factors of a natural and technogenic nature. It is proposed, based on the developed program for planning and evaluating the life of a mining excavator, to adjust the schedules for maintenance and repair (MOT and R) in order to minimize the number of unplanned downtime of a mining excavator and maintain it in good condition.

How to cite: IVANOV S.L., IVANOVA P.V., KUVSHINKIN S.Y. Promising model range career excavators operating time assessment in real operating conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 228. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.228
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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“Ural-20R” combines loading drives evaluation in two-stage development of the face

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The technological features of the use of high-performance Ural-20R combines in the conditions of potash mines in Russia are described. It is shown that when the capacity of the worked potash seams is over 4 m, a two-layer ore extraction is used. The formation of cutting process, implemented by the second course of the combine in the treatment chamber, is carried out by an incomplete section of the executive bodies. The standard control system, display and protection of the Ural-20R combine does not allow monitoring and reliable estimation of the magnitude of dynamic components on the drives of the mining machine loads, as well as tracking the feed rate of the combine to the face. The regulation of the operating parameters and the assessment of the degree of loading of the drives of the excavating machine in real time are assigned to the operator. The fundamentals of the experimental research methodology for assessing the loading of drives of Ural-20R combines with the destruction of the potash mass by an incomplete section of the executive bodies are described. The device and the operating procedure of the “Vatur” software-recording complex, which measures, records and records the electrical parameters of the drive motors of a mining machine, is described. The process studies results of forming loads on drive elements of Ural-20R combines when mining a face with an incomplete section of executive bodies are presented. It is proved that the work of combine harvesters on the undercut of the formation with a high feed rate is accompanied by significant dynamic loads on the drives of planetary organs and an overload of the drives of the Berm organs, which leads to an accelerated consumption of the resource and emergency failures of the gearboxes and motors of the extraction machine.

How to cite: SHISHLYANNIKOV D.I., TRIFANOV M.G., TRIFANOV G.D. “Ural-20R” combines loading drives evaluation in two-stage development of the face // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 234. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.234
Geoeconomics and Management
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Vs sustainable development: scenarios for the future

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Issues of sustainable development began to concern mankind starting from the 20th century, when mass industrialization and the depletion of natural resource potential contributed to the formulation of environmental issues at one of the leading places in scientific discourse. However, what if the goals of sustainable development would not be achieved to 2030? What other way we can identify for humanity to survive? So, the study is about the problems of studying the understanding of the term “sustainable development”, considering the evolution of the formation of the concept of sustainable development and analyzing the modern goals of sustainable development for attainability. From an analysis of domestic and foreign experience, possible scenarios of the development of mankind are identified (such as 1. Creating an environmental framework, 2. Implementation of sustainable nature management practices in the conditions of natural and man-made objects, 3. Implementation of “geoengineering projects”, 4. Construction of autonomous ecosystems, 5. Space exploration in search of a new planet for life, provided that the goals of sustainable development would not be achieved. It has been established that today probability of achieving all the sustainable development goals by 2030 is too small, and the indicated scenarios require, firstly, the development of science and technology, and secondly, a competent assessment of the value of nature and solving the issue of specifying property rights for natural goods.

How to cite: YURAK V.V., DUSHIN A.V., MOCHALOVA L.A. Vs sustainable development: scenarios for the future // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 242-247. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.242
Geoeconomics and Management
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Effective capacity building by empowerment teaching in the field of occupational safety and health management in mining

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The paper is dealing with a developed concept named Empowerment Teaching, which is based on practical teaching experience gained in various mining universities. It is demonstrated that this concept can be used to increase the effectiveness of knowledge transfer to mining countries in the world, as well as to overcome cultural barriers between lecturers and their students. The two models of participatory training, which are proposed to be named “physical” and “emotional” models, are portrayed. The authors are convinced that participatory training methods can be an ideal answer to a challenge associated with workers’ competencies in mining, namely – the potential of highly motivated and well-educated young academics is often diminished by a lack of ability to apply their knowledge. A special emphasis is made on the possible application of empowerment teaching for educational and training activities in the field of occupational safety and health (OSH), which is a matter of utmost importance for the mining industry. Several benchmarking initiatives in the field of OSH (“safety culture”, zero-accident vision) are underlined to be encouraged and promoted by means of new teaching methods. The examples of successful international cooperation among universities are given, as well.

How to cite: KRETSCHMANN J., PLIEN M., NGUYEN T.H.N., RUDAKOV M.L. Effective capacity building by empowerment teaching in the field of occupational safety and health management in mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 242. p. 248. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.2.248