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Vol 224
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Research on regimes of limonite ore hyrdotransport for the conditions of Perdo Soto Alba plant

Raul' Isk'erdo Pupo1
Al'berto Turro Breff2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
  • 2 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. rector University of Guantanamo
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The paper examines regular flow patterns of high-concentrated limonite pulp with significant content of finest grains. Engineering procedures have been developed to calculate basic parameters of limonite ore hydrotransport in turbulent and structured regimes. Trustworthiness of scientific statements, conclusions and recommendations is justified by theoretical research, establishment of analytical dependences, results of laboratory and industrial experiments. Practical regularities of behavior have been identified for the coefficient of hydraulic resistance, depending on pulp density in the range 35-45 % in case of pulp flow in structured regime, as well as regularity of pressure losses in case of pulp flow in horizontal and inclined pipelines in turbulent regime.

hydrotransport flow regimes limonite ore pulp rheological properties
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