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Basic principles and approaches to planning measures of scientific and technical progress in the transition to market relations

V. I. Kudasov
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In modern conditions, when enterprises are transitioning to market relations, when the forms of ownership of means of production are changing and the financing of production development should be carried out at the expense of own funds, scientific and technological progress (STP) has a decisive impact on improving the efficiency of production, which requires further improvement of the entire management system and, first of all, the planning of STP. Theory and practice show that planning is one of the main means of accelerating STP, increasing its efficiency. Planning for the development of science and technology should become the basis for planning of all subjects of the national economy.

Кудасов В.И. Основные принципы и подходы к планированию мероприятий научно-технического прогресса при переходе к рыночным отношениям // Записки Горного института. 1995. Т. 140. С. 61-64.
Kudasov V.I. Basic principles and approaches to planning measures of scientific and technical progress in the transition to market relations // Journal of Mining Institute. 1995. Vol. 140. p. 61-64.
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