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Vol 148 No 1
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Technological opportunities to improve properties of blended explosives based on experience in Mongolia and Yugoslavia (Serbia)

Dragan Petrovich B.1
Zh. Zhamyan2
A. V. Starshinov3
V. Yu. Fadeev4
About authors
  • 1 — TRAYAL Corporation
  • 2 — Monmag Company
  • 3 — Monmag Company
  • 4 — Interrin
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It is known that the explosive characteristics and explosive efficiency of mixed explosive compositions determine not only the chemical composition and ratio of the components, but also their physical state and the uniformity of mutual distribution (mixing). The most famous example is mixtures of ammonium nitrate and TNT: grammonite 79/21 and ammonite 6ZV, which are identical in chemical composition, but differ significantly in dispersion of the components, the critical diameter, velocity, detonation pressure, etc. Here it should be noted that in determining the homogeneity of a heterogeneous system, it is necessary to consider both the size and homogeneity of mixing of the condensed components of the composition and the size and homogeneity of distribution of possible, and sometimes necessary, gas inclusions, which is typical, for example, for bulk mixtures based on porous ammonium nitrate (AN) granules and water-bearing explosives in the form of emulsions and (or) suspensions.

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