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Vol 148 No 2
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Thermal regime of ice breaking in rotary drilling

P. G. Talalai
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  • St. Petersburg State Mining Institute
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In recent years, mechanical rotary ice drilling has become the main type of construction of deep boreholes in the ice of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Work continues in these regions to study the paleoclimate of the Earth, the dynamics and composition of ice sheets, the influence of anthropogenic pollution on climate change and other natural scientific problems. As a result of various national and international projects, deep boreholes were drilled in Antarctica at Dome F (2503 m, 1996), Vostok Station (3623 m, 1998), Dome C (1458 m, 2001) and in Greenland at NGRIP (1371 m, 1997; 2931 m, 2000).

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