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Vol 150 No 1
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Research article

Study of ionic exchange in soils for the purpose of their purification from heavy metals

M. V. Ivanov1
D. E. Chirkst2
About authors
  • 1 — Student, research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — Professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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Adsorption of strontium and iron from aqueous solutions on various minerals was studied. According to the sorption capacity, the studied minerals can be arranged in the following sequence: Cambrian clay ~ kaolinite > potassium feldspar > albite > oligoclase. This sequence correlates well with the specific surface of the studied minerals determined by thermal argon desorption and their exchange capacity determined by methylene blue adsorption. Coefficients of distribution of Sr 2+ and Fe 3+ between minerals and aqueous solutions and ionic exchange constants between Sr 2+ and Fe 3+ were determined. The value of the latter value was 23.6 for albite and 17.1 for oligoclase. Therefore, aqueous solutions of iron (III) may be recommended for cleaning soils from strontium contamination.

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