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Vol 150 No 2
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The main directions of investment activities of the mining enterprise in the natural and industrial complex

Yu. V. Lyubek
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  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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When planning the investment activity of a mining enterprise within a region, a territorial-industrial complex (TIC), a natural-industrial complex (NIC), it is important to formulate its main guidelines. A mining enterprise carries out comprehensive investment activities as an independent economic entity and within the framework of the development program of the TIC and the region in the following areas: maintenance and development of the mineral resource base, development of production capacity, solution of environmental problems, labor safety problems, solution of social issues. Objectives of investment activity of a mining enterprise are dynamic, so it is necessary to build them in time, so that along with the priorities of long-term action to specify the tasks of individual stages, leading to the achievement of strategic benchmarks. Concretization of tasks on each time interval should take into account real conditions and possibilities of mining enterprise. The latter form competitive advantages, which largely determine the direction of investment activity. Besides, investment activity of mining enterprise is inseparably connected with investment policy in the region and level of economic development of natural-industrial complex. Accordingly, the problem of development of the main directions of investment activity of a mining enterprise should be solved taking into account the requirements and interests of the state, interests in the TIC (TIC) and partially the region, in a clear time frame.

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