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Vol 152
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Research article

Veps folk customs, rituals and holidays as a reflection of everyday life history

O. E. Kambarova
About authors
  • Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The article deals with the problems of Veps identity: its similarity and difference with the culture of neighboring nations. There are bright examples of some Veps rites and holidays. The past 20th century became an epoch of disappearance of small nations cultures. However, today some of them are trying to revive lost traditions, customs, holidays and other aspects of traditional way of life customary for their ancestors. That is why a thorough study of the stated theme seems important and relevant. The work is based on different information about the history of Vepsian culture: personal observations, materials from funds of Pikalevsky local lore museum, ethnographical publications and etc. Today it is very difficult or even impossible to see traditional Vepsian holidays and rituals.

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