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Vol 152
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Research article
Mining electromechanics

Microprocessor-based vector control system for asynchronous AC traction drive using fuzzy logic

B. V. Zherebkin
About authors
  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The features to be taken into account when building control systems of traction electric drives are specified. The expediency of application of fuzzy logic apparatus in vector control systems for asynchronous traction electric drive has been substantiated. Transformation of clear observable quantities of a control object into the categories of fuzzy logic is done. The example of one of the possible ways of building the system of vector control of asynchronous traction electric drive with fuzzy control is given. A variant of microprocessor control system of asynchronous electric drive with frequency converter on the basis of IGBT-transistor modules is offered. In MATLAB environment the vector principle of control with the use of fuzzy logic apparatus is realized. The obtained result allows you to conclude the feasibility of its use in the control of traction electric drives.

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  1. Богатырев Д.Е. Микропроцессорные системы управления тяговым асинхронным электроприводом / Д.Е Богатырев, С.В.Махонин // ЭлектроФорум. 2001. № 2.
  2. Матисон В.А. Векторная система регулирования тока для трехфазных инверторов напряжения // Электротехника. 2001. № 11.

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