Assessment of the probability of involvement in the development of mineral reserves with different levels of availability
About authors
- 1 — Institute of Integrated Development Problems of the RAS
- 2 — Institute of Integrated Development Problems of the RAS
- 3 — Institute of Integrated Development Problems of the RAS
An approach to assessing the availability of mineral resources and reserves is outlined. Examples of changes in the availability of reserves in the process of their exploration, preparation, development and processing are given. The influence of scientific and technological progress on the availability of deposits is shown. The dependences of the probabilities of involvement in the development of mineral reserves on the level of their availability are established.
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- Трубецкой К. Н. Динамическая доступность минерально-сырьевых ресурсов / К.Н.Трубецкой, А.А.Пешков, Н.А.Мацко // Минеральные ресурсы России. Экономика и управление. 2001. № 5. С.38-43.
- An Appraisal of Minerals Availability for 43 Commodities. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. 1987 Bulletin 692. 300 p.
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