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Vol 153
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Engineering and geological characterization of the Mesozoic weathering crust

E. N. Skvaletskii
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  • Orenburg Branch, Mining Institute UrO RAS
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The thick (from 5 to 20 m and more) clayey weathering crust in the South Urals is a product of deep physical and chemical processing and disintegration of Paleozoic rocks in the Mesozoic. Clays (60%), medium and heavy loams (30-35%) prevail. The results of statistical processing of tests of 102 monoliths indicate the heterogeneity of properties, especially the strength characteristics of rocks.

Сквалецкий Е.Н. К инженерно-геологической характеристике мезозойской коры выветривания // Записки Горного института. 2003. Т. 153. С. 204-205.
Skvaletskii E.N. Engineering and geological characterization of the Mesozoic weathering crust // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 153. p. 204-205.
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  1. Гидрогеология СССР Том XLIII. Оренбургская область / Под редакцией Е.И.Токмачева. М: Недра, 1972.
  2. Ломтадзе В.Д. Инженерная геология. Инженерная петрология. JI: Недра, 1970.
  3. Сергеев Е.М. Инженерная геология. М: Изд-во МГУ, 1982.

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