40th anniversary of the Leningrad Trust for Civil Engineering Surveys
2003 M. A. Solodukhin
Environmental monitoring at solid domestic and industrial waste landfills
2003 O. M. Guman
Structure and contents of regional engineering geology
2003 V. A. Kiryukhin
Features of karst processes by the example of the Urals
2003 A. Ya. Gaev, Yu. A. Kilin, S. G. Dubeikovskii, V. P. Semakin
Challenges of training engineers in "Prospecting and Exploration of Groundwater and Engineering-Geological Surveying" specialty
2003 V. V. Antonov
Disturbance of the stability of the base of the Plavinskaya HPP as a result of technogenic suffosion
2003 V. V. Mugaleva