Using numerical programs to solve inverse hydrogeological problems to process pilot-filtration sampling
About authors
- 1 — St. Petersburg Branch, Institute of Geoecology RAS
- 2 — St. Petersburg Branch, Institute of Geoecology RAS
- 3 — St. Petersburg Branch, Institute of Geoecology RAS
The technology of interpreting OFO by means of a special software module is proposed. This approach is based on the universal software product UCODE designed for solving inverse problems. The universality of this program consists in the possibility of connecting to it practically any direct problem solver. By controlling this solver, UCODE selects the parameters specified by the user. In the course of this work, the authors implemented a software connection of the numerical model of axisymmetric filtration (RELIS) in layered formations with the UCODE solver and processor.
- Коносавский Г1.К. Код REUS: краткое руководство пользователя. 1998.
- Documentation of UCODE, A Computer Code for Universal Inverse Modeling. Eileen P Poeter, Mary C. Hill. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4080.
- Wen-Hsing Chiang, Wolfgang Kinzelbach. 3D-Grondwater Modeling with PMWIN, Springer, ISBN 3-540-67744-5, Germany, 2001, 346 pp.
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