Issues in the development of engineering-geological stratification and geological space partitioning models in engineering geology
- SRPE Sevmorgeo
Engineering-geological research creates new data about the geological environment, expanding our knowledge about rocks and pounds, their role and behavior in various natural and technogenic processes. This information creates new opportunities for structural constructions and identification of new laws of geological space organization, among which the stratigraphic (historical-genetic) form of organization is only one of the possible ones. Engineering-geological data can be used to create multidimensional structural fields and study the laws of their organization. For this purpose, it is necessary to create on a system basis engineering-geological stratification, which should be docked with the entire sum of geological knowledge and provide a smooth and rational transition from the systems of the upper hierarchical level to the systems and elements underlying a variety of calculation models.
- Захаров М.С. Теория организации геологической среды как основа анализа региональной инженерно-геологической и геоэкологической обстановки // Эколо-гические проблемы гидрогеологии. Восьмые Толстихинские чтения: Материалы научно-методической конференции / СПГГИ. СПб, 1999. С.27-32.