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Vol 155 No 1
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Research article

Determination of optimal parameters of slurry dewatering process on FPAKM type press filters

V. O. Golubev
About authors
  • Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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Statistical processing of experimental data on filterability of slurries of a number of metallurgical enterprises in the CIS on filters of FPACM ( Larox PF ) type was carried out. Regression dependences of residual moisture content and volume of collected filtrate on characteristics of initial pulp and parameters of dewatering process for copper and zinc concentrates were obtained. The efficiency of pulp dewatering process at press filters is estimated and the ways of its further improvement are indicated. Optimal parameters of the combined filtration process for a number of hydrometallurgical pulps are determined and recommendations for improvement of its technical and economic efficiency are given.

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  1. Белоглазое И.Н. Оптимизация процессов разделения суспензий с использованием фильтр-прессов компании «LaroxOy» / И.Н.Белоглазов О.Н.Тихонов, B. О.Голубев // Зап. Горного ин-та. 2001. Т. 147. C. 164-170.
  2. Белоглазое И.Н. Применение пресс-фильтров компании «Larox Оу» для обезвоживания суспензий глиноземного производства / И.Н.Белоглазов, О.Н.Тихонов, В.О.Голубев // Сб. труд. межд. выставки «Металлургические технологии и экология». СПб: Руда и металлы, 2001. С. 80-81.
  3. Белоглазое И.Н. Основы расчета фильтрационных процессов / И.Н.Белоглазов, В.О.Голубев. М.: Руда и металлы, 2002. 200 с.

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