Geomechanical justification of methods and means to ensure the stability of preparatory workings in zones of high rock pressure in layered massifs
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- Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
Based on the analysis of mining and geological conditions of the Eastern Donbass offered a method of determining the value of the expected displacement of the contour of preparatory workings depending on their location relative to the excavation work. The graphs of displacement of roof rocks, changes of displacements of rocks in front and behind the face depending on the different resistance of the lining are given. Considered the formation of zones of broken rocks in the vicinity of mine workings and identified ways to ensure their stability.
- Заславский ЮЗ. Инъекционное упрочнение горных пород / Ю.З.Заславский, Е.А.Лопухин, Е.Б.Друшко и др. М.: Недра, 1984. 176 с.
- Руководство по проектированию подземных горных выработок и расчету крепи. М.: Стройиздат, 1983. 272 с.
- Черняк И.Л. Управление горным давлением в подготовительных выработках глубоких шахт / И.JI.Черняк, Ю.И.Бурчанов. М.: Недра, 1984. 304 с.
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