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Vol 156
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Geomechanical analysis of St. Petersburg bedrock clays as a fractured-block environment

R. E. Dashko1
A. V. Volkova2
About authors
  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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The features of the structure of the St. Petersburg bedrock clay massif as a fractured-block environment are considered. The genesis of fracture formation due to tectonic and non-tectonic factors is analyzed, the zoning structure of the clay strata along the depth of the section, which is determined by the block size and the range of humidity and density changes. The regularities of changes in the parameters of shear resistance and general deformation modulus of clays by depth, as well as the influence of the scale effect on the same parameters of mechanical properties, are presented.

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  1. Дашко Р.Э. Инженерно-геологические особенности коренных глин Санкт-Петербурга как среды для размещения подземных сооружений. Инженерно-геологические проблемы урбанизированных территорий / Р.Э.Дашко, А.А.Еремеева // Материалы Международного симпозиума. Екатеринбург: АКВА-ПРЕСС, 2001. С.675-681.

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