Full-scale studies of the impact of dynamic phenomena on mine workings
- G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
At the mines of the Severouralsk bauxite basin deposits are developed at a depth of 900-1000 m and it is planned to design and develop new horizons at a depth of 1500-2000 m. At greater depths, mining and geological conditions of deposit development become sharply more complicated, and dynamic forms of manifestations of rock pressure intensify. Mining strikes occur under a certain combination of mining-geological and mining-technical conditions. These combinations are extremely diverse and are associated with the influence of many factors, which determine not only the occurrence of rock bumps, but also their strength and the nature of the impact on mine workings. A survey of mine workings of mines in the Severouralsk bauxite basin was carried out in order to determine the compliance of the types and parameters of fastenings used with mining-geological and mining-technical conditions.
- Инструкция по креплению полевых горизонтальных и наклонных выработок шахт Североуральского бокситового бассейна. СПб, 1996. 56 с.