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Vol 157
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Energy service life of the plain bearing

E. A. Kremcheev1
S. L. Ivanov2
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  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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Design schemes of pneumatic, hydraulic and drilling machines with combined drive, used in mines and mines, mainly have mechanical drives of drilling rod rotation. This refers to machines of domestic and foreign production. A considerable part of failures of drilling equipment occurs exactly due to the fault of rotary units. One of the weak points of the design is often the transmission output shaft support unit made on the basis of plain bearing. The energy and life of such a sliding bearing is limited by the limit value of wear, leading to the occurrence of unacceptable misalignment of the gear wheels’ axes. The expression for determining the energy resource of the plain bearing from the condition of permissible volume wear of the liner material is proposed.

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